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Application Form For Security Substitution

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Date -______________

The Chief General Manager
Financial Markets Operations Department
Reserve Bank of India
Central Office


Request for Security Substitution Facility for Term Repo conducted by Reserve Bank of India under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility

I/We the undersigned hereby submit request in terms of para 4 of circular No. RBI/2016-17/274 FMOD.MAOG.No.120/01.01.001/2016-17 dated April 12, 2017 for the substitution of collateral (security) of the Term Repo conducted by Reserve Bank of India under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility.

1. Name of the Market Participant Address  
2. CIF No.  
3. Security Substitution Request for Term Repo Issue ID  
4. Date of Term Repo Auction  
5. Security to be withdrawn

6. Face Value of Security to be withdrawn
(in figures)
(in words)
Rs. ______crore
7. Telephone No.  
8. Reason for offline security substitution request  

I/ We undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions as applicable.

Yours faithfully,

i) Signature of official (s) authorised to operate on SGL/ Current Account _______________________________

ii) Name_______________________________

iii) Designation _______________________________

iv) Office stamp of the tenderer_______________________________
