S.No. | Return Name | Return Description | Frequency | Department Concerned | Reporting Entity required to submit the return * | Details of Related Circulars | Reporting Format | Name of the Reporting Platform |
1 | PD's call money transactions with commercial banks (Return from PDs) | Compilation of New Monetary Aggregates | Fortnightly | DEPR | Primary Dealers | Master Direction – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers RBI/IDMD/2016-17/29 Master Direction IDMD.PDRD.01/03.64.00/2016-17 July 1, 2016
| 8 kb |
| CIMS |
2 | Returns from SIDBI | Details of Mobilisation of Resources/ Certificate of deposit/ term deposit/ inter corp. deposit etc | Weekly | DEPR | SIDBI | | 9 kb |
| Hardcopy |
3 | Form TC | Compilation of short term credit extended for imports and payments thereof | Monthly | DEPR | ADs | RBI/2004/154 A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 87 dated April 17, 2004
| 24 kb |
| Email |
4 | Yen holdings of Government of India | International investment position | Monthly | DEPR | AD Category - I Banks & Authorised Banks | Master Direction - External Commercial Borrowings, Trade Credit, Borrowing and Lending in Foreign Currency by ADs and Persons other than ADs | 9 kb |
| Hardcopy |
5 | WLA Customer complaints | Details of Complaints received, resolved, pending and type of complaints | Quarterly | DPSS | WLA Operators | DPSS.CO.OD.No.670/06.08.001/2019-20 dated September 24, 2019 | 11 kb |
| Email |
6 | ATM deployment | State and region wise number of ATMs deployed by banks and WLAOs | Quarterly | DPSS | SCBs (including RRBs), UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, Payment Banks, Small Finance Banks and White Label ATM Operators | e-mail instruction | 10 kb |
| Email |
7 | Cards Statistics | Usage of Credit & debit cards at ATM & POS | Monthly | DPSS | SCBs (including RRBs), UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks | DPSS.CO.OD.No.670/06.08.001/2019-20 dated September 24, 2019 | 9 kb | 12 kb |
| Email |
8 | WLA Statistics | WLA Statistics | Monthly | DPSS | WLA Operator | e-mail instruction | 71 kb |
| Email |
9 | Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) Statistics | Pre-paid Payment Instrument Statistics | Monthly | DPSS | SCBs (including RRBs), UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks and non-bank entities authorised to issue pre-paid payment instruments in India | Master Directions on Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) (Reserve Bank of India - Master Directions (rbi.org.in)) | 30 kb |
| Email |
10 | PPI customer grievances | Details of complaints received/ resolved/ pending against PPI issuers | Quarterly | DPSS | SCBs (including RRBs), UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks and non-bank entities authorised to issue pre-paid payment instruments in India | Master Direction DPSS.CO.PD.No.1164/02.14.006/2017-18 dated October 11, 2017 | 62 kb | 10 kb |
| Email |
11 | Mobile Banking Transactions | Volume and Value of Payment Transactions done through Mobile Banking Application | Monthly | DPSS | SCBs (including RRBs), UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks who have been permitted to provide Mobile Banking services in India | DPSS.CO.OD.No. 3420/06.06.003/2016-17 dated June 08, 2017 | 13 kb | 19 kb |
| Email |
12 | Basic Statistical Return - 1 (BSR1) | Bank credit classified according to various characteristics | Quarterly for non-RRBs / Annual for RRBs | DSIM | Quarterly-SCBs (excluding RRBs), Annual-SCBs (including RRBs) | Handbook of Instructions on Basic Statistical Return (BSR)-1 | 115 kb |
| CIMS |
13 | Basic Statistical Return - 2 (BSR2) | Classification of deposits with SCBs and employment details of SCBs | Quarterly for non-RRBs / Annual for RRBs | DSIM | Quarterly-SCBs (excluding RRBs), Annual-SCBs (including RRBs) | BSR instructions_2023 | 20 kb |
| CIMS |
14 | IBS return | International assets and liabilities of banks in India | Quarterly | DSIM | Banks which are engaged in international transactions | https://www.bis.org/ statistics/about_banking_stats.htm | 498 kb |
| EDSP |
15 | NRD-CSR | Non-resident deposits comprehensive single return on NR/FCNR deposits and their transactions in a month | Monthly | DSIM | All Banks Authorised to deal in Foreign Exchange | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 | 30 kb |
| CIMS |
16 | Form ECB | To obtain Loan Registration Number (LRN) for ECB | Before draw down of ECB | DSIM | Borrower through the designated AD bank | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 | 704 kb |
| Hardcopy |
17 | ECB 2 Return | To report actual ECB transactions | Monthly | DSIM | Borrower through the designated AD bank | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 | 679 kb |
| Hardcopy |
18 | Revised Form ECB | To report changes in ECB parameters in consonance with the ECB norms | Within 7 days from the changes effected in ECB parameters | DSIM | Borrower through the designated AD bank | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 | 704 kb |
| Hardcopy |
19 | FETERS (R-return) | Foreign exchange transactions of banks in India | Fortnightly | DSIM | AD Category - I Banks | A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 50 dated February 11, 2016 | 8 kb |
| BoP |
20 | BAL statement | Foreign currency balances of Authorized Dealers and rupee balances of non-resident banks | Fortnightly | DSIM | AD Category - I Banks | RBI/2014-2015/12 Master Circular No. 5/2014-15 (Updated as on March 31, 2015) | 12 kb |
| BoP |
21 | FLA - Return | Annual return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA) - under FEMA. Market value of FDI / ODI by equity / debt including FATS. | Annual | DSIM | All India resident companies which have outstanding FDI and/ or ODI in their balance sheet as the end of the latest financial year. | RBI/2018-19/226 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 37 dated June 28, 2019 | 1159 kb |
22 | CPIS - Survey Schedule | Co-ordinated Portfolio Investment Survey - overseas portfolio investment (Equity and Debt) | Half yearly: end-Mar and end-Sep | DSIM | Banks having portfolio investment abroad are required to participate in CPIS for end-Mar and end-Sep round.
Mutual fund companies, insurance companies, non-financial companies and other financial companies (including non-banking financial companies) are required to participate in CPIS for end-Sep round. | https://data.imf.org/?sk=b981b4e34e58467e9b909de0c3367363 | | SMS |
23 | FLA MF - Survey Schedule | Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA) of Mutual Fund companies - Market value by equity / debt | Annual | DSIM | All India Resident Mutual Fund Companies which held/acquired foreign assets and/or liabilities as on the end of latest financial year. | Survey on Foreign Liabilities and Assets of Mutual Funds and Asset Management Companies: 2023-24 round | 410 kb |
| SMS |
24 | ITES - Survey Schedule | Survey on Computer Software & Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) Exports | Annual | DSIM | All software / IT / BPO Companies in India | Survey on Computer Software and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) Exports: 2023-24 | 318 kb |
| SMS |
25 | ITBS - Survey Schedule | Survey on International Trade in Banking Services (ITBS) collects information on various banking services rendered by Indian Banks operating abroad and foreign banks operating in India | Annual | DSIM | All Indian Banks operating abroad and Foreign Banks operating in India | International Trade in Banking Services | 417 kb |
| SMS |
26 | FCS - Survey Schedule | Survey on Foreign Collaboration in Indian Industry (FCS) information on foreign technical collaboration with Indian companies | Biennial | DSIM | All Indian Companies having technical collaboration with foreign entity | 14th round of Survey on Foreign Collaboration in Indian Industry | 671 kb |
| SMS |
27 | Banking service price index | The statement comprises of data related to fees income and fee charges for banking services provided by the bank and selective data on deposits and loans | Monthly | DSIM | SCBs (including RRBs) and Payment Banks | Banking Service Price Index | 43 kb | 15 kb |
| Email |
28 | FII Weekly | inflow/ of outflow of foreign funds on account of investment by FIIs/FPIs in the Indian capital market | Weekly | FED | AD Category - I Banks | Email instructions to identified banks | 12 kb |
| CIMS |
29 | Details of remittances made by NRO account | Statement indicating the details of remittances made by NRIs/PIOs Foreign Nationals out of the NRO accounts for the month ended | Monthly | FED | AD Category - I Banks | Part VI of Annex I of Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 | 1284 kb |
| CIMS |
30 | FLM-8 (Sale and purchase of foreign currency notes) | Summary statement of sale and purchase of foreign currency notes | Monthly | FED | FFMCs/non-bank ADs Category-II | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 RBI/FED/2015-16/13 FED Master Direction No.18/2015-16 January 1, 2016
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.01 dated April 06, 2023 on 'APConnect - Online application for Full Fledged Money Changers and non-bank Authorised Dealers Category-II' | 1284 kb |
| AP-Connect |
31 | LEC-FII and LEC-NRI | Statement of purchases / sales of equity instruments made by FPIs/NRIs on a recognised stock exchange in India or on an international exchange. | Daily | FED | AD Category - I Banks | Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 | | Email |
32 | Remittances under RDA (E-statement) | To know the inflow received under RDA | Quarterly | FED | AD Category - I Banks | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 RBI/FED/2015-16/13 FED Master Direction No.18/2015-16 January 1, 2016 | 39 kb |
| CIMS |
33 | Quantum of remittance received under MTSS | Quantum of remittance received under MTSS | Quarterly | FED | Indian Agents under Money Transfer Service Scheme | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 RBI/FED/2015-16/13 FED Master Direction No.18/2015-16 January 1, 2016 | 33 kb |
| CIMS |
34 | Issuance of guarantee for Trade Credit | Guarantees issued | Quarterly | FED | AD Category - I Banks | A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 20 dated March 13, 2018. | 13 kb |
| CIMS |
35 | Import of gold by EOUs, units in SEZ/EPZ and nominated agencies | Import of gold | Monthly/ Half Yearly | FED | AD Category - I Banks | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 | 82 kb |
| CIMS |
36 | LO/BO/PO | Consolidated list of all the Branch Office (BO)/ Liaison Office (LO) / Project Office (PO) opened and closed by them during a month | Quarterly | FED | AD Category - I Banks | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 | 1172 kb |
| Email |
37 | KCC | Progress made in respect of Number of KCC issued and loans outstanding in respect of crop loan, term loan and loans to allied activities | Quarterly | FIDD | All Scheduled Commerical Banks (including Small Finance Banks and excluding Regional Rural Banks) | FIDD.CO.FSD.1716/05.05.010/2019-20 Revision in Reporting Format for KCC Scheme- Inclusion of Animal Husbandry and Fishery Activities | 35 kb |
| Email & CIMS |
38 | DAY-NRLM | State-wise return - loans sanctioned: accounts and amount, loans disbursed: accounts and amount, Loan Outstanding: accounts and amount under NRLM scheme | Quarterly | FIDD | Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks (including Small Finance Banks). | FIDD.GSSD.CO.BC.No.07/09.01.003/2023-24 dated April 26, 2023 | 39 kb |
| CIMS |
39 | Collateral Loan | Collateral free loans up to ₹25 lakh and of those covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme | Quarterly | FIDD | All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks) | RPCD.SME & NFS. BC.No.79/06.02.31/2009‐10 dated May 06, 2010. | 9 kb |
| CIMS |
40 | Credit to Women | Details about Number of Accounts And Amount outstanding in respect of credit given to women under priority and non-priority sector | Quarterly | FIDD | Public Sector Banks | RPCD/PLNFS/BC/11/ 06.02.79/2001-2002 dated July 26, 2001 and
RPCD.PLNFS.BC.No. 40/06.02.79/2000-01 dated December 12, 2000 | 98 kb |
| CIMS |
41 | Priority Sector Advances–Quarterly | PSA and sectoral credit - Bank-wise | Quarterly | FIDD | All Commercial Banks including Regional Rural Banks, Small Finance Banks, Local Area Banks and Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks other than Salary Earners’ Banks | Master Directions – Priority Sector Lending (PSL) – Targets and Classification | 86 kb |
| Email & CIMS |
42 | Priority Sector Advances– Annual | State-wise data relating to PSA and sectoral credit | Annual | FIDD | All Commercial Banks including Regional Rural Banks, Small Finance Banks, Local Area Banks and Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks other than Salary Earners’ Banks | Master Directions – Priority Sector Lending (PSL) – Targets and Classification | 731 kb |
| CIMS |
43 | Credit to Minority Community | Priority sector advances sanctioned to members of specified minority communities vis-à-vis overall priority sector advances | Half yearly March/Sept | FIDD | All Scheduled Commercial Banks
(excluding RRBs and Foreign Banks with less than 20 branches) | FIDD.GSSD.BC.No.01/09.10.01/2021-22 dated April 01, 2021 | 80 kb |
| Email & CIMS |
44 | DRI Advances | Disbursements, demand, recovery, overdues and outstandings under various parameters | Annual | FIDD | Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding RRBs) | RPCD.SP. BC. No. 19 / 09.07.01/2008-09 dated August 05, 2008 | 2958 kb |
| CIMS |
45 | DAY-NULM Target | State-wise return with targets for Self-Employment Programme (SEP) for Individuals, Group and SHGs under NULM scheme | Annual | FIDD | All Scheduled Commercial Banks & Small Finance Banks | FIDD.GSSD.CO.BC.No.03/09.16.03/2021-22 April 05, 2021 | 45 kb |
| CIMS |
46 | DAY-NULM Progress | State-wise return- loans disbursed: accounts and amount, to individuals, groups and SHGs under NULM scheme | Quarterly | FIDD | All Scheduled Commercial Banks & Small Finance Banks | FIDD.GSSD.CO.BC.No.03/09.16.03/2021-22 dated April 05, 2021 | 50 kb |
| CIMS |
47 | FIP Progress | Progress made in r/o of FI during the month. | Monthly | FIDD | SCBs (including RRBs) | DO.FIDD.CO.FID.4811/12.01.011/2015-2016 dated March 17, 2016 | 39 kb |
| Email |
48 | Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) | To know the stress in the accounts of MSMEs and to facilitate the promotion and development of MSMEs | Half yearly (March-Sept) | FIDD | Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) | FIDD.MSME&NFS.BC.No.21/06.02.31/2015-16 dated March 17, 2016 | 523 kb |
| CIMS |
49 | G-Sec ownership pattern | Constituent-wise ownership pattern of Government securities held in Gilt accounts | Quarterly | IDMD | Banks/PDs/CCIL | CSGL Account: Eligibility Criteria and Operational Guidelines, Notification No.183 dated September 05, 2011 | 86 kb |
| CIMS |
50 | PDR I | Statement on sources and Application of Funds | Fortnightly | IDMD | 7 Standalone Primary Dealers | Master Direction – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers RBI/IDMD/2016-17/29 Master Direction IDMD.PDRD.01/03.64.00/2016-17 July 1, 2016 | 40 kb |
| CIMS |
51 | PDR II | Statement on Securities Market Turnover | Monthly | IDMD | 7 Standalone Primary Dealers and 14 Bank Primary Dealers | Master Direction – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers RBI/IDMD/2016-17/29 Master Direction IDMD.PDRD.01/03.64.00/2016-17 July 1, 2016 | 62 kb |
| CIMS |
52 | PDR III | Statement on Capital Adequacy | Quarterly | IDMD | 7 Standalone Primary Dealers | Master Direction – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers RBI/IDMD/2016-17/29 Master Direction IDMD.PDRD.01/03.64.00/2016-17 July 1, 2016 | 102 kb |
| CIMS |
53 | PDR IV | Statement on Select Financial and Balance Sheet Indicators | Quarterly | IDMD | 7 Standalone Primary Dealers | Master Direction – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers RBI/IDMD/2016-17/29 Master Direction IDMD.PDRD.01/03.64.00/2016-17 July 1, 2016 | 55 kb |
| CIMS |
54 | Stress Test | Stress Test | Monthly | IDMD | 7 Standalone Primary Dealers | Master Direction – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers RBI/IDMD/2016-17/29 Master Direction IDMD.PDRD.01/03.64.00/2016-17 July 1, 2016 | 51 kb |
| CIMS |
55 | IRS Test | Interest Rate Sensitivity Test | Monthly | IDMD | 7 Standalone Primary Dealers | Master Direction – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers RBI/IDMD/2016-17/29 Master Direction IDMD.PDRD.01/03.64.00/2016-17 July 1, 2016 | 40 kb |
| CIMS |
56 | Form X -Asset & Liability of RRBs | Form X -Asset & Liability of RRBs | 31 March yearly | DSIM | RRBs | As per section 27 of BR Act, 1949 | 11 kb |
| CIMS |
57 | Report on issue of Subordinated Debt, raising of Upper Tier II Capital, Perpetual Debts and Equity Capital (Qualified Institutional Placements-QIP, Preferential issue to Promoters, GDR issue) together with copy of document | Report on issue of Subordinated Debt, raising of Upper Tier II Capital, Perpetual Debts and Equity Capital (Qualified Institutional Placements-QIP, Preferential issue to Promoters, GDR issue) together with copy of document | Within 1 week from date of issue | DoR | All Commercial Banks (Excluding Local Area Banks and RRBs) | Reporting Requirements under Basel III Capital Regulations- Review dated June 23, 2016
Master Direction Issue and Pricing of shares by Private Sector Bank dated April 21, 2016
DBR.No.BP.BC.01/21.06.201/2015-16 dated July 01, 2015 | 54 kb | 88 kb |
| Hardcopy |
58 | Payment of dividend | Details of dividend declared during the financial year and other details as per the circular | Within a fortnight after declaration of dividend | DoR | SCBs (excluding RRBs) | RBI/2004-05/451 DBOD.NO.BP.BC. 88 / 21.02.067 / 2004-05 May 04, 2005 Declaration of dividends by banks | 21 kb |
| Hardcopy |
59 | Form VIII (Sec. 24 of the BR Act, 1949) | Statement of demand and time liabilities and unencumbered approved securities for ascertaining maintenance of SLR and levy of penal interest for default. | Monthly | DoR | Commercial Banks | Master Direction on CRR/SLR DOR.No.RET.REC.32/12.01.001/2021-22 dated July 20, 2021 | 16 kb |
| CIMS |
60 | Form IX (Sec. 26 of the BR Act, 1949) | Statutory Return of Unclaimed Deposit Accounts in India which have not been operated upon for 10 years or more as on 31st December | Annual | DoR | Commercial Banks | As per section 26 of BR Act, 1949 | 10 kb |
| CIMS |
61 | Form-A (Sec.42, RBI Act, 1934) | Used for computation of NDTL for CRR maintenance | Fortnightly | DoR | SCBs | Master Direction on CRR/SLR DOR.No.RET.REC.32/12.01.001/2021-22 dated July 20, 2021 | 59 kb |
| CIMS |
62 | Balance Sheet of SCBs (Sec. 31 of the BR Act, 1949) | Submission of duly audited Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account | Yearly | DoR | SCBs (excluding RRBs) | As per section 31 of BR Act, 1949 | 585 kb |
| CIMS |
63 | Form-X – statement of assets and liabilities | Monthly assets and liabilities of domestic operations estimation of household financial savings | Monthly | DSIM | SCBs (excluding RRBs) | As per section 27 of BR Act, 1949
Section 27 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Return in
form X | 46 kb |
| CIMS |
64 | Statements showing the progress made in the implementation of scheme regarding reservation of posts for SC / ST | Statements showing the progress made in the implementation of scheme regarding reservation of posts for SC / ST as on last day of June and December. | Within 2 Months | DoR | Local Area Banks | DBOD.No.B.P.B.C.86/C.469(47) 79 dated June 18, 1979 Reservation of Posts for SCs / STs in the Private Sector Banks | 29 kb |
| Hardcopy |
65 | Copy of Annual Report with audited Statements of accounts | Copy of Annual Report with audited Statements of accounts as on 31st March | 30 June yearly | DoR | Local Area Banks | Submission of periodical returns and statements dated August 31, 2005 | | Hardcopy |
66 | RBI note refund rules - statement of defective notes adjudicated at all bank branches | Statement of defective notes adjudicated at currency chests branches | Quarterly | DCM | Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks, RRBs, Private Banks, Foreign Banks | DCM (NE) No.G-2/08.07.18/2023-24 dated April 03, 2023 (updated as on May 15, 2023) | 22 kb |
| Email |
67 | Format for furnishing addresses etc., particulars of Forged Note Vigilance Cell (FNVC) to RBI | The return conveys the following particulars - Address of FNVC Name and designation of officer-in-charge Telephone number Fax number E-mail address | Annual (as on 1st April) | DCM | All Banks | DCM (FNVD)/G-1/16.01.05/2023-24 dated April 03, 2023 | 215 kb |
| Email |
68 | Statement showing details of counterfeit bank notes detected by the branch during the month | The return comprises of two parts - (i) Denomination-wise and State/Union Territory-wise details of forged notes detected by the branch (ii) Details of cases of FIR filed with police | Monthly | DCM | All Banks | DCM (FNVD)/G-1/16.01.05/2023-24 dated April 03, 2023 | 397 kb |
| Email |
69 | FNVC to submit status report covering certain important aspects of the functions required to be undertaken by it. | The status report should cover dissemination and implementation of RBI instructions on counterfeit notes, compilation of data on counterfeit notes and its submission to RBI and FIU-IND , sharing information thus compiled with bank's CVO,conducting surprise checks at currency chests where shortage/counterfeit notes detected,ensuring operation of NSMs at all currency chests/back offices, ensuring only machine checked notes fed into ATMs, put in place adequate safeguards during processing and in transit of notes etc. | Quarterly | DCM | All Banks | DCM (FNVD)/G-1/16.01.05/2023-24 dated April 03, 2023 | 1394 kb |
| Email |
70 | Form I (SLR of StCB/DCCBs) | Form I (SLR of StCB/DCCBs) | Monthly | DoR | StCBs, DCCBs | Master Direction on CRR/SLR DOR.No.RET.REC.32/12.01.001/2021-22 dated July 20, 2021 | 13 kb |
71 | Statement of shareholding (Restrictions on holding shares) | Statement of shareholding (Restrictions on holding shares) | 31 March yearly | DoR | StCBs, DCCBs | ACD.B.R.388/A.11(19)65-6 dated March 01, 1966 | 12 kb |
72 | Form II (Unsecured loans and advances) | Form II (Unsecured loans and advances) | Monthly | DoR | StCBs, DCCBs | ACD.BR.392/B.1-65/66 dated March 01, 1966 | 59 kb |
73 | Form VIII (unclaimed deposits) | Form VIII (unclaimed deposits) | Dec. 31 | DoR | StCBs, DCCBs | ACD.BR.392/B.1-65/66 dated March 01, 1966 | 320 kb |
74 | Sectorial Deposits (Deposits held with StCB/DCCBs) | Sectorial Deposits (Deposits held with StCB/DCCBs) | Half yearly June/Dec. | DoR | StCBs, DCCBs | RPCD.CO.RF.ROC.12/07.38.03/2004-05, dated April 23, 2005 | 55 kb |
75 | Form B (CRR of StCBs) | Form B (CRR of StCBs) | Fortnightly | DoR | StCBs, DCCBs | Master Direction on CRR/SLR DOR.No.RET.REC.32/12.01.001/2021-22 dated July 20, 2021 | 46 kb |
76 | Form IX (Assets liability of co-operative banks) | Form IX (Assets liability of co-operative banks) | Monthly | DoR | StCBs, DCCBs | ACD.BR.392/B.1-65/66 dated March 01, 1966
ACD.BR.750/B.1/67-68 dated November 24, 1967 | 15 kb |
77 | Form IX Spl. | Form IX Spl. | 31 March yearly | DoR | StCBs, DCCBs | ACD.BR.392/B.1-65/66 dated March 01, 1966
ACD.BR.750/B.1/67-68 dated November 24, 1967 | 15 kb |
78 | Notes on A/c | Notes on A/c | 31 March yearly | DoR | StCBs, DCCBs | RPCD.CO.RF.BC.No.44/07.38.03/2005-06 dated October 10, 2005
RPCD.CO.RF.BC.No. 21/07.38.03/2008-09 dated August 18, 2008 | 49 kb |
79 | Form - B | Statement of External Liabilities and Core Assets | Fortnightly / Monthly | DoS | Scheduled UCBs | RBI/2014-15/31 UBD.BPD.(PCB).MC.No. 15/12.03.000/2014-15 dated July 1, 2014
| 46 kb |
| CIMS |
80 | Form - I | Statement of Compliance with CRR and SLR | Monthly | DoS | All UCBs | RBI/2014-15/31 UBD.BPD. (PCB).MC.No. 15/12.03.000/2014-15 dated July 1, 2014
| 66 kb |
| CIMS |
81 | OSS1 | Statement on Assets and Liabilities | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | RBI/2004/59 UBD.No.OSS. SUB. Cir.3/ 18.00.00/2003-2004 dated February 14, 2004
| 70 kb |
| CIMS |
82 | OSS2 | Statement on Earnings | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | RBI/2004/59 UBD.No.OSS.SUB. Cir.3/18. 00.00/2003-2004 dated February 14, 2004
| 45 kb |
| CIMS |
83 | OSS3 | Statement on Asset Quality | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | RBI/2004/59 UBD.No.OSS. SUB. Cir.3/18. 00.00/2003-2004 dated February 14, 2004
| 63 kb |
| CIMS |
84 | OSS4 | Statement on Non-Performing Assets | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | RBI/2004/221 OSS.PCB.Cir. 47/18. 00.00/2003-2004 dated May 26, 2004
| 80 kb |
| CIMS |
85 | OSS5 | Statement on Segment/ Sector-wise Advances | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | RBI/2004/221 OSS.PCB.Cir. 47/18.00.00/ 2003-2004 dated May 26, 2004
| 58 kb |
| CIMS |
86 | OSS6 | Statement on Connected Lending | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | RBI/2004/221 OSS.PCB.Cir. 47/18.00.00 /2003-2004 dated May 26, 2004
| 54 kb |
| CIMS |
87 | OSS7 | Statement on CRAR | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | RBI/2004/221 OSS.PCB.Cir. 47/18.00. 00/2003-2004 dated May 26, 2004
| 80 kb |
| CIMS |
88 | OSS8 | Statement on Bank Profile | Yearly | DoS | All UCBs | RBI/2004/221 OSS.PCB.Cir. 47/18. 00.00/2003-2004 dated May 26, 2004
| 82 kb |
| CIMS |
89 | Form - IX | Asset & Liabilities as at the close of business on last Friday of the Month | Monthly / Yearly | DoS | All UCBs | As per BR Act, 1949 | 62 kb |
| CIMS |
90 | PSA Return | Loans and Advances to Priority Sector / Weaker Section & Credit Flow to Minority Communities | Quarterly/ Yearly | DoS | All UCBs except salary earners UCBs | RBI/FIDD/2020-21/72 Master Directions FIDD.CO.Plan.BC.5/04.09.01/2020-21 April 29, 2021 | 220 kb |
| CIMS |
91 | ALM Return | ALM3: Statement of Structural Liquidity (SL) | Fortnightly | DoS | Scheduled UCBs | Guidelines on Asset- Liability Management (ALM) System in Tier II UCBs (other than scheduled UCBs) - RBI/2008-09/175 UBD. PCB. Cir. No 13 /12.05.001/2008-09 September 17, 2008 | 104 kb |
| CIMS |
92 | ALM Return | ALM3: Statement of Structural Liquidity (SL) | Quarterly | DoS | Non-Scheduled UCBs | Guidelines on Asset- Liability Management (ALM) System in Tier II UCBs (other than scheduled UCBs) - RBI/2008-09/175 UBD. PCB. Cir. No 13 /12.05.001/2008-09 September 17, 2008 | 104 kb |
| CIMS |
93 | ALM Return | ALM1: Statement of Interest Rate Sensitivity (IRS) | Monthly | DoS | Scheduled UCBs | Guidelines on Asset- Liability Management (ALM) System in Tier II UCBs (other than scheduled UCBs) - RBI/2008-09/175 UBD. PCB. Cir. No 13 /12.05.001/2008-09 September 17, 2008 | 104 kb |
| CIMS |
94 | ALM Return | ALM1: Statement of Interest Rate Sensitivity (IRS) | Quarterly | DoS | Non – Scheduled UCBs | Guidelines on Asset- Liability Management (ALM) System in Tier II UCBs (other than scheduled UCBs) - RBI/2008-09/175 UBD. PCB. Cir. No 13 /12.05.001/2008-09 September 17, 2008 | 104 kb |
| CIMS |
95 | ALM Return | ALM2: Statement of Short Term Dynamic Liquidity (STDL) | Fortnightly | DoS | Scheduled UCBs | Guidelines on Asset- Liability Management (ALM) System in Tier II UCBs (other than scheduled UCBs) - RBI/2008-09/175 UBD. PCB. Cir. No 13 /12.05.001/2008-09 September 17, 2008 | 104 kb |
| CIMS |
96 | Form - VIII | Statement of Unclaimed Deposit Accounts not operated more than 10 years | Yearly | DoS | All UCBs | As per BR Act, 1949 | 49 kb |
| CIMS |
97 | MIS | MIS1: Statement on Doubtful, Loss or Suit filed account of Rs. 1 crore & above | Quarterly | DoS | Scheduled UCBs | Master Circular on Management of Advances- UCBs RBI/2009-10/84 UBD.BPD (PCB) MC. No. 5 / 13.05.000 / 2009-10 July 1, 2009 | 41 kb |
| CIMS |
98 | MIS | MIS2: Statement on Willful defaults of Rs. 25 lakh & above | Quarterly | DoS | Scheduled UCBs | Master Circular on Management of Advances- UCBs RBI/2009-10/84 UBD.BPD (PCB) MC. No. 5 / 13.05.000 / 2009-10 July 1, 2009 | 41 kb |
| CIMS |
99 | Advances/Investments | Dir - I: Statement showing details of Advances against Security of Shares/ Debentures | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | Master Circular on Exposure Norms and Statutory/Other Restrictions - UCBs, UBD.PCB.MC.No. 1/13.05.000/2010-11 dated July 01, 2010 | 52 kb |
| CIMS |
100 | Advances/Investments | Dir - IV: Statement on Information in respect of Loans & Advances to Bank’s Directors | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | Master Circular on Exposure Norms and Statutory/Other Restrictions - UCBs, UBD.PCB.MC.No. 1/13.05.000/2010-11 dated July 01, 2010 | 52 kb |
| CIMS |
101 | Advances/Investments | Planning - 3: UCB's Investment in other UCBs / Institutions | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | Master Circular on Exposure Norms and Statutory/Other Restrictions - UCBs, UBD.PCB.MC.No. 1/13.05.000/2010-11 dated July 01, 2010 | 52 kb |
| CIMS |
102 | Form - II | Statement of Unsecured Loans and Advances to Directors/ Firms in which they have Interest | Monthly | DoS | All UCBs | As per BR Act, 1949 | 40 kb |
| CIMS |
103 | Form - VI | Statement on Offices in India | Quarterly | DoS | All UCBs | Master Circular, UBD.LS (PCB) MC. No.14/07.01.00/ 2013-14, July 01, 2013 | 37 kb |
| CIMS |
104 | DCM | Daily Call and Notice Money Operations during the fortnight | Fortnightly | DoS | All UCBs | Master Circular on Call/Notice Money Market Operations, IDMD.PCD. 03/14.01.01/2013-14, dated July 01, 2013 | 43 kb |
| CIMS |
105 | Foreign Exchange Turnover (FTD) | Foreign Exchange Turnover- Client and Interbank in Spot, Swaps and Forwards (including cancellations) | Daily | FMRD | Authorised Dealer Category - I Banks | Master Direction - Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings RBI/FMRD/2016-17/31 FMRD Master Direction No. 1/2016-17 July 5, 2016 | 40 kb |
| CIMS |
106 | Gaps, Position, and Cash Balances (GPB) | Gaps of foreign currency, net open exchange positions and cash balances | Daily | FMRD | Authorised Dealer Category - I Banks | Master Direction - Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings RBI/FMRD/2016-17/31 FMRD Master Direction No. 1/2016-17 July 5, 2016 | 486 kb |
| CIMS |
107 | Exposure in Foreign Exchange and Amount of Exposure Hedged | Consolidated information relating to exposures of corporates in foreign currency | Quarterly | FMRD | Authorised Dealer Category - I Banks | Master Direction - Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings RBI/FMRD/2016-17/31 FMRD Master Direction No. 1/2016-17 July 5, 2016 | 12 kb |
| CIMS |
108 | FCY-Rupee Option Transactions | Option Transaction Report, Option Position Report, Change in Portfolio Delta Report and Strike Concentration Report | Weekly | FMRD | Authorised Dealer Category - I Banks | Master Direction - Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings RBI/FMRD/2016-17/31 FMRD Master Direction No. 1/2016-17 July 5, 2016 | 11 kb |
| Email |
109 | Outstanding Foreign Currency Borrowings (OFCB) | Total outstanding foreign currency borrowings under all categories | Monthly | FMRD | Authorised Dealer Category - I Banks | Master Direction - Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings RBI/FMRD/2016-17/31 FMRD Master Direction No. 1/2016-17 July 5, 2016 | 38 kb |
| CIMS |
110 | Holding of Foreign Currencies | Statement in form BAL giving details of holding of all foreign currencies by AD Bank | Fortnightly | FMRD | Authorised Dealer Category - I Banks | Master Direction - Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings RBI/FMRD/2016-17/31 FMRD Master Direction No. 1/2016-17 July 5, 2016 | 81 kb |
| CIMS |
111 | List of Offices/Branches of AD Bank Maintaining Rupee Accounts of Non-Resident Banks | List of all offices/branches, of an AD bank, which are maintaining Rupee accounts of non-resident banks | Annually | FMRD | Authorised Dealer Category - I Banks | Master Direction - Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings RBI/FMRD/2016-17/31 FMRD Master Direction No. 1/2016-17 July 5, 2016 | 10 kb |
| Hardcopy |
112 | Suspicious Transactions undertaken by Non-Resident Importer/Exporter | Doubtful transactions involving frequent cancellation of hedge transactions and / or the underlying trade transactions. | Quarterly | FMRD | Authorised Dealer Category - I Banks | Master Direction - Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings RBI/FMRD/2016-17/31 FMRD Master Direction No. 1/2016-17 July 5, 2016 | 11 kb |
| CIMS |
113 | Return on Asset Liability and Off-Balance Sheet Exposures (ALE) | The ALE return contains the granular breakup of Assets and liability items along with details regarding off balance sheet and derivative exposures- | Monthly / Quarterly | DoS | Monthly (SCBs)/ Quarterly(CBs) [excluding PBs] | DOS.PS.SRS.Bks.01/ 15.02.800/94-95 dated February 28, 1995
DBS.No.BC.OSMOS.3/ 33.01.021/2001-02 dated September 28, 2001
DBS. CO. OSMOS. BC. No. 20 /33.01.001/2004-05 dated May 04, 2005 | 262 kb |
| CIMS |
114 | Return on Assets, Liabilities and Exposure-PBs | The ALE return contains the granular breakup of Assets and liability items along with details regarding off balance sheet and derivative exposures. | Monthly | DoS | All PBs | Mail to Payment Banks | 81 kb |
| CIMS |
115 | Return on Capital Adequacy - Basel-I (RCA-1) | Computation of capital base; computation of risk weighted assets; and risk based capital as per BASEL - I Capital Adequacy framework | Quarterly | DoS | All LABs, SFBs and PBs | DOS.PS.SRS.Bks.01/ 15.02.800/94-95 dated February 28, 1995
DBS.No.BC.OSMOS.3/ 33.01.021/2001-02 dated September 28, 2001
DBS. CO. OSMOS. BC. No. 20 /33.01.001/2004-05 dated May 04, 2005 | 182 kb |
| CIMS |
116 | Return on Capital Adequacy-III (RCA - III) | Computation of capital base; computation of risk weighted assets; and risk based capital as per BASEL - III Capital Adequacy framework | Quarterly | DoS | All SCBs [excluding SFBs and PBs] | DOS.PS.SRS.Bks.01/ 15.02.800/94-95 dated February 28, 1995
DBS.No.BC.OSMOS.3/ 33.01.021/2001-02 dated September 28, 2001
DBS. CO. OSMOS. BC. No. 20 /33.01.001/2004-05 dated May 04, 2005 | 422 kb |
| CIMS |
117 | Return on Operating Results (ROR) | Quarterly reporting of P&L statement containing granular break up of interest income and interest expenses | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs excluding PBs | DOS.PS.SRS.Bks.01/ 15.02.800/94-95 dated February 28, 1995
DBS.No.BC.OSMOS.3/ 33.01.021/2001-02 dated September 28, 2001
DBS. CO. OSMOS. BC. No. 20 /33.01.001/2004-05 dated May 04, 2005 | 88 kb |
| CIMS |
118 | Return on Operating Results (ROR) - PBs | Quarterly reporting of P&L statement containing granular break up of interest income and interest expenses | Quarterly | DoS | All PBs | Mail to Payment Banks | 303 kb |
| CIMS |
119 | Return on Asset Quality (RAQ) | RAQ contains asset classification and provisioning for the advances and investment portfolio of the banks. This statement also contains sector wise granular break up of credit and investment portfolio | Monthly / Quarterly | DoS | Monthly [Section - 9 only by all SCBs except SFBs and PBs]/Quarterly [all CBs except PBs] | DOS.PS.SRS.Bks.01/ 15.02.800/94-95 dated February 28, 1995
DBS.No.BC.OSMOS.3/ 33.01.021/2001-02 dated September 28, 2001
DBS. CO. OSMOS. BC. No. 20 /33.01.001/2004-05 dated May 04, 2005 | 383 kb |
| CIMS |
120 | Return on Ownership and Control (ROC) | ROC captures details of ownership pattern of the bank and details of Executive / Whole Time Directors and Non-Executive Directors including details of other companies in such any of such officials are interested along with nature of interests. | Half-yearly | DoS | All CBs except FBs | DOS.PS.SRS.Bks.01/ 15.02.800/94-95 dated February 28, 1995
DBS.No.BC.OSMOS. 3/33.01.021/2001-02 dated September 28, 2001
DBS. CO. OSMOS. BC. No. 20 /33.01.001/2004-05 dated May 04, 2005 | 59 kb |
| CIMS |
121 | Risk Based Supervision Return (RBS) | RBS captures information on Rating wise distribution of standard advances, Rating distribution of non-SLR investments, Sale of loans and securitisation , Credit card business carried out by the bank or through its subsidiaries, Disbursements and outstanding housing finance and Details of infrastructure finance | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs [excluding SFBs and PBs] | DBS.CO.OSMOS.BC.No. 16/33.01.001/2002-2003 dated May 17, 2003
DBS. CO. OSMOS. BC. No. 20 /33.01.001/2004-05 dated May 04, 2005 | 86 kb |
| CIMS |
122 | Liquidity Return (LR) | The LR return on Structural Liquidity includes behavioural maturity profile of various components of on / off-balance sheet items on the basis of assumptions and trend analysis supported by time series analysis having five parts, viz. (i) ‘Domestic Currency – Indian Operations’, (ii) ‘Foreign Currency – Indian Operations’, (iii) ‘Combined Indian Operations – Domestic and Foreign Currency’ i.e. solo bank level, (iv) ‘Overseas branch Operations–Country-Wise’ and (v) ‘For Consolidated Bank Operations’. | Fortnightly/ Monthly/Quarterly | DoS | Fortnightly - All SCBs [excluding SFBs and PBs]/ Quarterly - All SCBs including PBs | DBOD.BP No 56/21.04.098/ 2012-13 dated November 7, 2012 | 313 kb |
| CIMS |
123 | Return on Interest Rate Sensitivity- (IRS)- Traditional Gap & Duration Gap | IRS captures the banks exposure to the interest rate risk. | Monthly | DoS | All CBs excluding LABs | DBS.BC.No.OSMOS.2/ dated July 17, 1999
DBS. CO. OSMOS. BC. No. 20 /33.01.001/2004-05 dated May 04, 2005 | 405 kb |
| CIMS |
124 | Balance Sheet Analysis (BSA) | BSA captures audited accounts of the bank with notes on accounts | Yearly | DoS | All CBs | DBOD.No.BP.BC.3/21.04.109/99 dated Feb 8, 1999 | 173 kb |
| CIMS |
125 | Return on Large Credits (RLC) | Section 1 of RLC captures all individual borrowers (excluding banks) having exposure in excess of 15% of regulatory capital or a minimum of top 50 large borrowers. In section 2, All borrower groups having total exposure in excess of 30 % of bank’s capital funds or a minimum of 50 large borrower groups should be reported irrespective of the percentage of such exposure to bank’s capital funds; Section 3 captures exposure to top 20 exposure to banks irrespective of the percentage of such exposures to the bank’s capital funds. | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs excluding PBs | DOS.PS.SRS.Bks.01/15.02.800/94-95 dated February 28, 1995
DBS.CO.OSMOS.BC.4/33.01.001/2000-2001 dated October 18, 2000
DBS. CO. OSMOS. BC. No. 20 /33.01.001/2004-05 dated May 04, 2005 | 82 kb |
| CIMS |
126 | Central Repository of Information on Large Credits (CRILC) – Main | CRILC captures credit information of borrowers having aggregate fund-based and non-fund based exposure of Rs.5 crore and above | Monthly | DoS | AIFIs and All CBs excluding PBs | RBI/2013-14/503 DBOD.BP.BC. No.97/21.04.132/2013-14 February 26, 2014 Framework for Revitalising Distressed Assets in the Economy – Guidelines on Joint Lenders’ Forum (JLF) and Corrective Action Plan (CAP) | 100 kb |
| CIMS |
127 | Red Flagged Account/Fraud Borrowers Return (RFA/Fraud) | Data on RFA/Fraud classified borrowers in terms of framework on loan frauds | As and when basis | DoS | AIFIs and All CBs excluding PBs | RBI/2017-18/131 DBR.No.BP.BC.101 /21.04.048/2017-18 dated February 12, 2018 Resolution of Stressed Assets – Revised Framework | 41 kb |
| CIMS |
128 | Return on Subsidiaries/JV/Associates (RoS) | The report contains information/data on financial performance, large exposure in excess of 10% of capital funds and ownership details of each subsidiary / joint venture / associate of banks | Half-yearly | DoS | All SCBs, Where applicable | DOS. No. BC.4/22.05.001/97, February 24, 1997. | 42 kb |
| CIMS |
129 | Consolidated Prudential Return (CPR) | CPR contains consolidated prudential information at the level of the group to which the supervised bank / institution belongs and is derived from the consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss account, prepared as per extant guidelines on preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements. | Half-yearly | DoS | All SCBs, Where applicable | DBS.CO.OSMOS.BC.No. 16/33.01.001/2002-2003 dated May 17, 2003 | 118 kb |
| CIMS |
130 | Return on Asset Liability and Off-Balance Sheet Exposures (ALO) | Branch wise break up of assets and liabilities on the basis of residual maturity / next repricing date, gap, off balance sheet exposures, unreconciled entries with other branches, with other Indian banks branches in same foreign centre and accounts with other banks | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs having overseas operations (excluding FBs) | DBS.No.FBC.BC.34/13.12.001/99-2000 dated April 6, 2000 | 71 kb |
| CIMS |
131 | Return on Large Exposures (RLE) | This return captures the reporting of large exposures and investments made during the quarter is divided into three sections- Listing of customers having limits or outstanding of US$ 5 million & above, listing of new customers having limits or outstanding of US$ 1 to 5 million and investments made during the quarter amounting to more than US$ 1 million. | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs having overseas operations (excluding FBs) | DBS.No.FBC.BC.34/13.12.001/99-2000 dated April 6, 2000 | 49 kb |
| CIMS |
132 | Return on Country Exposures and Maturity (CEM) | CEM captures country-wise concentration of credit exposures at each overseas geography | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs having overseas operations (excluding FBs) | DBS.No.FBC.BC.34/13.12.001/99-2000 dated April 6, 2000 | 46 kb |
| CIMS |
133 | Return on Profitability (ROP) | ROP captures the profitability numbers for the current quarter and the cumulative position(YTD) of all the overseas branches | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs having overseas operations (excluding FBs) | DBS.No.FBC.BC.34/13.12.001/99-2000 dated April 6, 2000 | 42 kb |
| CIMS |
134 | Report on Asset and Liabilities (RAL) | Report on Assets and Liabilities of AIFIs | Quarterly | DoS | AIFIs | DBS.FID.No.02/10.06.00/99-00 dated July 28, 1999 | 247 kb |
| CIMS |
135 | Return on Capital Adequacy - Basel-I - (RCA-1) | Report on Capital Adequacy of AIFIs | Quarterly | DoS | AIFIs | DBS.FID.No.02/10.06.00/99-00 dated July 28, 1999 | 102 kb |
| CIMS |
136 | Return on Operating Results - Financial Institutions Division (ROR) | Report on Operating Result of AIFIs | Quarterly | DoS | AIFIs | DBS.FID.No.02/10.06.00/99-00 dated July 28, 1999 | 100 kb |
| CIMS |
137 | Return on Asset Quality - Financial Institutions Division (RAQ) | Report on Asset Quality of AIFIs | Quarterly | DoS | AIFIs | DBS.FID.No.02/10.06.00/99-00 dated July 28, 1999 | 271 kb |
| CIMS |
138 | Return on Large Credits - Financial Institutions Division (RLC) | Report on Large Credits of AIFIs | Quarterly | DoS | AIFIs | DBS.FID.No.02/10.06.00/99-00 dated July 28, 1999 | 72 kb |
| CIMS |
139 | Return on Ownership and Control - Financial Institutions Division (ROC) | Report On Ownership And Control of AIFIs | Quarterly | DoS | AIFIs | DBS.FID.No.02/10.06.00/99-00 dated July 28, 1999 | 59 kb |
| CIMS |
140 | Return on Connected Lending Financial Institutions Division (RCL) | Report on Subsidiaries/ Associates/ Affiliates and Connected Lending | Quarterly | DoS | AIFIs | DBS.FID.No.02/10.06.00/99-00 dated July 28, 1999 | 57 kb |
| CIMS |
141 | Equity Investment in Capital Market (JPC data) | The return collects amount of equities purchased and sold from / in the capital market during the relevant week. The reported data is furnished to Government of India. | Weekly | DoS | Select 11 Banks# | DBS. CO. OSMOS. No. 12799/ 33.04.008 /2007-08, dated March 26, 2008 | 62 kb |
| Data Collector |
142 | Leverage Ratio Statement (LRS) | Statement captures the key drivers for Basel III leverage ratio | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs excluding LABs | DBR.No.BP.BC.58/21.06.201/2014-15 dated Jan 08, 2015 | 69 kb |
| CIMS |
143 | Basel Liquidity Returns (BLR) | The LCR contains 7 returns viz. BLR 1, BLR 2, BLR 3, BLR 4, BLR 5, BLR -6 & BLR -7 and monitors that a bank maintains an adequate level of unencumbered HQLAs that can be converted into cash to meet its liquidity needs for a 30 calendar day time horizon under a significantly severe liquidity stress scenario specified by supervisors. | Monthly | DoS | All SCBs excluding PBs | DBS.No.OSMOS.2915/33.01.001/2014-15 dated September 5, 2014 | 618 kb |
| CIMS |
144 | FMR-1 (Fraud Monitoring Return (FMR) - SCBs in CIMS) | Report on Actual or Suspected Frauds in Banks | within three weeks from the date of detection of fraud | DoS | All CBs and AIFIs | RBI/DBS/2016-17/28 DBS. CO.CFMC.BC. No.1/23.04.001/2016-17 Master Directions on Frauds – Classification and Reporting by commercial banks and select FIs | 99 kb |
| CIMS |
145 | FMR–3 (Fraud Update Application (FUA) - SCBs in CIMS) | Update of Form FMR-1 | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs and select AIFIs | RBI/DBS/2016-17/28 DBS.CO. CFMC.BC. No.1/23.04.001/2016-17 Master Directions on Frauds – Classification and Reporting by commercial banks and select FIs | 76 kb |
| CIMS |
146 | FMR-4 (Return on Bank Robbery, Theft, etc. (RBR) in CIMS) | Report on Dacoities / Robberies / Theft / Burglaries | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs and select AIFIs | RBI/DBS/2016-17/28 DBS.CO. CFMC.BC. No.1/23.04.001/2016-17 Master Directions on Frauds – Classification and Reporting by commercial banks and select FIs | 50 kb |
| CIMS |
147 | Vigilance Monitoring Return -VMR I & III (VMR I in CIMS) | Report on action plan in public sector banks | Quarterly | DoS | All PSBs and AIFIs | Circular DOS. 11287 / 17.05.001 / 95 dated May 20, 1995 | 79 kb |
| CIMS |
148 | Vigilance Monitoring Return VMR-II | Report on the security arrangements in public sector banks. Contains information regarding number of branches considered vulnerable, branches provided with armed guards, alarm system, and other security measures provided | Quarterly | DoS | All PSBs | Ref.DBOD.No.GC 1314- C 408A SA 85 dated Oct 28, 1985 | 47 kb |
| CIMS |
149 | Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI) | Data is collected for furnishing consolidated FSIs to IMF. | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs (excluding FBs), AIFIs | Intimation by letter dated Mar 25, 2010 | 344 kb |
| CIMS |
150 | Return on financial conglomerates | Capturing the intra-group transactions and exposures amongst the identified FCs | Quarterly | DoS | All Financial Conglomerates for which RBI is the Principal Regulator | Communicated to the reporting entities individually along with the guidance note for submission of the returns. | 80 kb |
| CIMS |
151 | Whole Bank Long Form Audit Report and Compliance thereof | Whole Bank Long Form Audit Report and Compliance thereof | Yearly | DoS | All CBs | DBS.CO.PPD.BC/13/11.01.005/2007-08 dated May 13, 2008. | 71 kb |
| Hardcopy |
152 | Half-Yearly Review of Investment Portfolio | Qualitative/ Quantitative review of entire investment portfolio of the bank for the half year | Half-yearly | DoS | All CBs | RBI/2015-16/97
DBR No BP.BC.6/21.04.141/2015-16, dated July 01, 2015 | 689 kb |
| Hardcopy |
153 | Return on Defaulted Borrowers (RDB) | Return on Defaulted Borrowers | Weekly | DoS | AIFIs and All CBs excluding PBs | RBI/2017-18/131 DBR.No.BP.BC.101/ 21.04.048/2017-18 dated February 12, 2018 Resolution of Stressed Assets – Revised Framework | 46 kb |
| CIMS |
154 | Return on Investment Portfolio (RIP) | Profile of Investment Portfolio | Quarterly | DoS | All PBs | Mail to Payment Banks | 50 kb |
| CIMS |
155 | Additional Data on Loan portfolio, Branch Profile and Financial Inclusion (LBFI) | Return capturing additional data on loan portfolio | Quarterly | DoS | All SFBs | Mail to SFBs | 58 kb |
| CIMS |
156 | FMR 4 | Report on Dacoities/Robberies/Theft/Burglaries | Quarterly | DoS | All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | RBI/2015-16/1 DCBR.CO.BPD.MC.No.1/12.05.001/2015-16 July 1, 2015 Master Circular on Frauds- Classification and Reporting | 90 kb |
| CIMS |
157 | Report of Commodity Hedging in Overseas Market (w.e.f April 01, 2018) | Report of Commodity Hedging in Overseas Market | Quarterly | FMRD | AD Cat-1 Banks | RBI/2017-18/138 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 19 Hedging of Commodity Price Risk and Freight Risk in Overseas Markets (Reserve Bank) Directions March 12, 2018 | 415 kb |
| CIMS |
158 | Return on Complaints (RoComp) | This return collects data on customer complaints registered in Small Finance Banks and Payments Banks. | Quarterly | DoS | All SFBs and PBs | Mail to Payment Banks | 59 kb |
| CIMS |
159 | Proforma | Consolidated proforma which has replaced Proforma I and Proforma II | As and when | DSIM | SCBs (including RRBs), Co-operative Banks | Revision in Proforma and Reporting of Bank/Banking Outlet (BO) details under
the Central Information System for Banking Infrastructure (CISBI) RBI/2018-19/228
DBR.No.BAPD.BC.50/22.01.001/2018-19 dated June 28, 2019 | 176 kb |
160 | Liberalised Remittance Scheme | Liberalised Remittance Scheme of USD 2,50,000 for resident individuals | Daily | FED | AD Category - I Banks | Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) for Resident Individuals-
Discontinuation of Reporting of monthly return | 1797 kb |
| CIMS |
161 | Return on Connected Exposure (RCE) | Return on Connected Exposure | Quarterly | DoS | All CBs | DBS.CO.OSMOS.BC.4/33.01.001/2000-2001 dated October 18, 2000
DBS.No.BC.OSMOS.3/ 33.01.021/2001-02 dated September 28, 2001 | 203 kb |
| CIMS |
162 | Large Exposure Framework Return (LEF) | Large Exposures Framework | Quarterly | DoS | All SCBs excluding PBs | Large Exposures Framework RBI/2016-17/167
DBR.No.BP.BC.43/21.01.003/2016-17 dated December 01, 2016 | 232 kb |
| CIMS |
163 | CRILC UCBs | CRILC return for UCBs | Quarterly | DoS | UCBs with total assets ₹500 crores and above as on previous financial year | Central Repository of Information on Large Credit- UCBs | 82 kb |
| CIMS |
164 | Form I | Monthly Return of unclaimed deposits/credits/ accounts/ in India which have not been operated upon/remained unclaimed for 10 years or more as on the date of the return and transferred to the DEA Fund Account. (To be submitted online to the Reserve Bank of India by 15th of the succeeding month) | Monthly | DoR | SCBs (including RRBs), Local Area Banks, UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, SFBs and PBs | The Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014 –Section 26A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949- Operational Guidelines
Operational Guidelines issued for DEA Fund Scheme, 2014 vide letter dated September 27, 2017 | 16 kb |
| eKuber |
165 | Proforma for reporting details of profits remitted to Head Office by foreign banks operating in India | Statement of remittance of profits/surplus by foreign banks | Yearly | DOR/DoS | Foreign Banks | DBOD.No.IBS.BC.175/23.09.001/99-2000 dt May 19, 2000; DBOD.No.IBS.BC.99/23.09.001/98-99 dt October 09, 1998; | 180 kb |
| Hardcopy |
166 | Form II | Monthly return claiming refund from the DEA Fund (Original hardcopy to be submitted by 15th of the succeeding month to which the claim pertains) | Monthly | DoR | SCBs (including RRBs), Local Area Banks, UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, SFBs and PBs | The Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014 –Section 26A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949- Operational Guidelines
Operational Guidelines issued for DEA Fund Scheme, 2014 vide letter dated September 27, 2017 | 15 kb |
| eKuber/Hardcopy/Email |
167 | Form III | Certificate of reconciliation of balances for the Half Year ended June/December to be submitted by banks not later than July 31 and January 31 | Half-yearly | DoR | SCBs (including RRBs), Local Area Banks, UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, SFBs and PBs | The Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014 –Section 26A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949- Operational Guidelines
Operational Guidelines issued for DEA Fund Scheme, 2014 vide letter dated September 27, 2017
Revised Timeline for submission of Reconciliation Certificate - Letter dated August 27, 2018 | 15 kb |
| Hardcopy/Email |
168 | Annual Certificate | A yearly return certified by statutory auditor and to be submitted by banks in original within one month from the date of completion of their annual audit | Annual | DoR | SCBs (including RRBs), Local Area Banks, UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, SFBs and PBs | The Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014 –Section 26A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949- Operational Guidelines
Operational Guidelines issued for DEA Fund Scheme, 2014 vide letter dated September 27, 2017
Revised Guidelines for submission of Annual Certificate - Letter dated February 12, 2019 | 1097 kb |
| Hardcopy/Email |
169 | Interest Rate Risk Positions for clients | Interest Rate Risk Positions for clients having outstanding derivative of Rs.10 billion | Quarterly | FMRD | Banks and Primary Dealers | Rupee Interest Rate Derivatives (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2019 | 8 kb |
| Email & CIMS |
170 | Cross-border remittances arising out of Rupee interest rate derivatives transactions undertaken by non-residents | Cross-border remittances arising out of Rupee interest rate derivatives transactions undertaken by non-residents | Monthly | FMRD | Banks | Rupee Interest Rate Derivatives (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2019 | 8 kb |
| Email |
171 | FX- Transactions- Retail platform | The distribution of customer transactions (across FX-Retail, other electronic trading platforms and other channels) and the fees charged by them | Quarterly | FMRD | AD Category – I - Banks | Rollout of the foreign exchange trading platform for retail participants – FX-Retail | 9 kb |
| Email & CIMS |
172 | FC-GPR | To report issue of equity instruments by an Indian company to non-resident investors | Within 30 days from the date of issue Indian company | FED | Indian company | Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 | 660 kb |
173 | FC-TRS | To report transfer of equity instruments between resident and non-resident. | Within 60 days from the date of transfer or date of remittance whichever is earlier | FED | Transferor/Transferee/ Investee indian company with onus on the resident transferor/transferee | Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 | 591 kb |
174 | LLP-I | To report receipt of capital contribution/ acquisition of profit shares in an LLP to a non-resident investor | Within 30 days from the date of remittance. | FED | LLP | Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 | 445 kb |
175 | LLP-II | To report transfer of capital contribution/ profit shares between a resident and a non-resident | Within 60 days from the date of remittance | FED | Transfereor/transferee/ investee LLP with onus on the resident transferor/transferee | Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 | 728 kb |
176 | CN | To report issue of Convertible Notes by a start-up company to non-resident investor or transfer of convertible notes between a resident and a non-resident. | For issue :Within 30 days from the date of issue For transfer: Within 30 days from the date of transfer | FED | For issue: Indian Start-up company For transfer: Resident transferor/transferee | Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 | 382 kb |
177 | ESOP | To report issue of ESOPs by an indian company to its non-resident employees | Within 30 days from the date of issue of ESOPs | FED | Indian company | Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 | 470 kb |
178 | DRR | To report issue of Depository receipts (ADRs/GDRs) by an Indian company | Within 30 days from date of close of issue. | FED | Domestic custodian | Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 | 430 kb |
179 | DI | To report downstream investment made by an indian company in another indian company resulting in indirect foreign investment in the investee indian company. | Within 30 days from the date of allotment of equity instruments | FED | Investor Indian company | Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 | 490 kb |
180 | InVI | To report issue of units by an investment vehicle against the foreign inflow received in its corpus. | Within 30 days from the date of issue of units | FED | Investment Vehicle | Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 | 175 kb |
181 | Reporting of Long term Advance | Reporting of Long term Advance of USD 100 million & more alongwith Progress Report to be submitted by Authorised Dealer Bank on utilization of Long term export Advances | Yearly | FED | AD Category - I Banks | RBI/2013-14/597 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.132 dated May 21, 2014 Export of Goods - Long Term Export Advances | 118 kb |
| Hardcopy |
182 | Statement on default in MTT | Statement on default in Merchanting Trade Transactions (MTT) | Half-yearly | FED | AD Category - I Banks | RBI/2013-14/452
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.95 dated January 17, 2014 Merchanting Trade Transactions and RBI/2013-14/545
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.115 dated March 28, 2014 Merchanting Trade Transactions- Revised guidelines | 98 kb |
| Hardcopy |
183 | MCLR (Marginal Cost of funds based Lending Rate) Return (MPD07) | Data on MCLR of SCBs (excluding RRBs, SFBs and PBs) | Daily (On every review date of MCLR) | MPD | SCBs (excluding RRBs, SFBs and PBs) | Master Direction-Reserve Bank of India (Interest Rate on Advances) Directions, 2016 Number & Date: RBI/DBR/2015-16/20 Master Direction DBR.Dir.No.85/13.03.00/2015-16 dated March 03, 2016 | 549 kb |
| CIMS |
184 | Interest Rate Return (erstwhile SMR VIAB) (MPD06) (Special Monthly Return (SMR)-VI-AB on interest rates of commercial banks IN CIMS) | Deposit rates (including NRI deposits), rupee lending rates (outstanding as also on fresh loans sanctioned) and foreign currency export credit of SCBs (excluding RRBs, SFBs and PBs), External Benchmark based Lending Rate data of SCBs (excluding RRBs, SFBs and PBs) | Monthly | MPD | SCBs (excluding RRBs, SFBs and PBs) | Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India (Interest Rate on Deposits) Directions, 2016 Number & Date: RBI/DBR/2015-16/19 Master Direction DBR.Dir.No.84/ 13.03.00/2015-16 dated March 03, 2016
Master Direction-Reserve Bank of India (Interest Rate on Advances) Directions, 2016 Number & Date: RBI/DBR/2015-16/20 Master Direction DBR.Dir.No.85/13.03.00/2015-16 dated March 03, 2016 (Updated as on February 26, 2020) | 512 kb |
| CIMS |
185 | Sector-wise and industry-wise deployment of bank credit (SIBC)/MPD002 | Analyzing trends in sector- wise and industry-wise bank credit | Monthly | MPD | Select SCBs (excluding RRBs) | CPC.No.1651/04.51.01/96-97 dated January 03, 1997 | 15 kb |
| CIMS |
186 | Special Fortnightly Return-II/MPD003 | Monitoring of daily CRR balances | Fortnightly | MPD | SCBs (excluding RRBs) | Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India [Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)] Directions - 2021 | 14 kb |
| CIMS |
187 | Supplementary return on daily SLR/MPD004 | Supplementary return on daily SLR | Fortnightly | MPD | SCBs (excluding RRBs) | Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India [Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)] Directions - 2021 | 16 kb |
| CIMS |
188 | FETERS – Cards Return | Details of international transactions using credit card / debit card / unified payment interface (UPI) along with their economic classification (merchant category code – MCC) will be captured | Monthly | DSIM/FED | All Category-I Authorised Dealer Banks | A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.13 dated March 25, 2021 | 272 kb |
| BoP |
189 | Return on Stressed MSME Sub-debt (RSM) | The return collects data on Personal Loans sanctioned to Promoters of distressed MSMEs under CREDIT GUARANTEE SCHEME FOR SUBORDINATE DEBT- CGSSD | Monthly | DoS | All SCBs excluding PBs | GoI guidelines dated June 24, 2020 on Distressed Asset Fund - Subordinated Debt for Stressed MSME | 450 kb |
| CIMS |
190 | DNBS01- Important Financial Parameters - Quarterly@ | The return captures financial details, viz. components of Assets and Liabilities, Profit and Loss account, Exposure to sensitive sectors etc. for NBFC-D and NBFC-NDSI. | Quarterly | DoS | NBFCs-Deposit Taking, NBFC – NDSIs (having Asset Size> ₹500 crore), Multiple NBFCs in the same group whose asset size together is of ₹500 crore & above, NBFC-Factors and NBFC-NOFHCs | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 289 kb |
| CIMS |
191 | DNBS02-Important Financial Parameters - Annual@ | The return captures financials details like components of assets and liabilities as well as compliance with various prudential norms for non-deposit taking non-NDSI NBFCs. | Annual | DoS | Non-deposit taking non-NDSI | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 378 kb |
| CIMS |
192 | DNBS03-Important Prudential Parameters@ | The return captures compliance with various prudential norms, e.g. Capital Adequacy, Asset Classification, Provisioning, NOF etc. for NBFC-Deposit taking and NBFC-NDSI. | Quarterly | DoS | NBFCs-Deposit Taking, NBFC – NDSIs (having Asset Size > ₹500 crore), Multiple NBFCs in the same group whose asset size together is of ₹500 crore & above, NBFC-Factors and NBFC-NOFHCs | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 146 kb |
| CIMS |
193 | DNBS04A- Short Term Dynamic Liquidity (STDL) - Quarterly@ | To capture the details of mismatch in projected future cash inflows and outflows based on the busniess projections. | Quarterly | DoS | NBFCs-Deposit Taking, NBFC – NDSIs (having Asset Size > ₹500 crore), Multiple NBFCs in the same group whose asset size together is of ₹500 crore & above, NBFC-Factors & NBFC- Core Investment Companies (CICs) & NBFC-NDs having asset size between ₹100 crore and ₹500 crore. Return not to be filed by NBFC-NOFHCs | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 335 kb |
| CIMS |
194 | DNBS04B-Structural Liquidity & Interest Rate Sensitivity - Monthly@ | To capture (i) The details of mismatch in projected future cash inflows and outflows based on the maturity pattern of assets and liabilities at the end of the reporting period for NBFCs-NDSI; (ii) The details of interest rate risk. | Monthly | DoS | NBFCs-Deposit Taking, NBFC – NDSIs (having Asset Size > ₹500 crore), Multiple NBFCs in the same group whose asset size together is of ₹500 crore & above, NBFC-Factors & NBFC- Core Investment Companies (CICs) & NBFC-NDs having asset size between ₹100 crore and ₹500 crore. Return not to be filed by NBFC-NOFHCs | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 417 kb |
| CIMS |
195 | DNBS05 - Return for CoR Rejected companies@ | To capture details in respect of NBFCs which accepted public deposits and whose CoR was rejected | Quarterly | DoS | NBFCs whose CoR has been rejected by the Reserve Bank and were accepting/holding public deposits on the date of application for Certificate of Registration | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 42 kb |
| CIMS |
196 | DNBS06 - Important Financial & Prudential Parameters – RNBCs | The return captures financials details like components of assets and liabilities as well as compliance with various prudential norms for RNBCs. | Quarterly | DoS | RNBCs | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 161 kb |
| CIMS |
197 | DNBS07 - ARCs Important Financial Parameters@ | To capture financial parameters and various operational details e.g. assets (NPA) acquired, acquisition cost, their recovery status etc. for ARCs. | Quarterly | DoS | ARCs | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 254 kb |
| CIMS |
198 | DNBS08-CRILC Main Return- Monthly | To capture credit information on aggregate exposure of ₹5 Crore and above to a single borrower. | Monthly | DoS | NBFCs-Deposit Taking, NBFC – NDSIs (having Asset Size > ₹500 crore), Multiple NBFCs in the same group whose asset size together is of ₹500 crore & above, NBFC-Factors & NBFC CIC (Core Investment companies). Not to be filed by NBFC-NOFHCs | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 87 kb |
| CIMS |
199 | DNBS09-CRILC RDB | All NBFCs-D, NBFCs-NDSI and NBFCs-Factors having aggregate exposure of ₹5 Crore and above to a single borrower reported in SMA-0 for the week | Weekly | DoS | All NBFCs-D, NBFCs-NDSI and NBFCs-Factors having aggregate exposure of ₹5 Crore and above to a single borrower reported in default for the week | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 40 kb |
| CIMS |
200 | DNBS10-Statutory Auditor Certificate (SAC) Return | To ensure continued regulatory compliance for all NBFCs. | Annual | DoS | All NBFCs and ARCs | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 533 kb |
| CIMS |
201 | DNBS11-CICs - Important Financial Parameters@ | The return captures financial details, viz. components of Assets and Liabilities, Profit and Loss account, Exposure to sensitive sectors etc. for CIC-ND-Sis. | Quarterly | DoS | NBFC- Core Investment Companies (CICs) | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 412 kb |
| CIMS |
202 | DNBS12-CICs - Important Prudential Parameters@ | The return captures compliance with various prudential norms, e.g. Capital Adequacy, Asset Classification, Provisioning, NOF etc. for CIC-ND-Sis. | Quarterly | DoS | NBFC- Core Investment Companies (CICs) | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 90 kb |
| CIMS |
203 | DNBS13-Overseas Investment Details@ | To capture details of overseas investment for all NBFCs having overseas investment. | Quarterly | DoS | All NBFCs and ARCs | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 45 kb |
| CIMS |
204 | DNBS14- P2Ps- Important Financial & Prudential Parameters@ | The return captures financials details like components of assets and liabilities as well as compliance with various prudential norms for NBFCs-P2P. | Quarterly | DoS | NBFC-P2P Category | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Filing of Supervisory Returns) Directions – 2024 | 279 kb |
| CIMS |
205 | Fraud Monitoring Return 1 (FMR1) | To capture the details of the fraud committed by staff, outsiders or customers involving an amount of Rs 1 lakh or more for all NBFC-D and NBFC-NDSIs. | As and when | DoS | NBFCs – Deposit Taking & NDSIs | Master Direction - Monitoring of Frauds in NBFCs (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 | 98 kb |
| CIMS |
206 | Fraud Monitoring Return 3 (FMR3) - Fraud Update Application | To capture the updated information in respect of frauds reported through FMR-1 for all NBFC-D and NBFC-NDSIs. | As and when | DoS | NBFCs – Deposit Taking & NDSIs | Master Direction - Monitoring of Frauds in NBFCs (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 | 66 kb |
| CIMS |
207 | Return on Complaints | Data on customer compliants | Quarterly & Annual | CEPD | All Commercial Banks | Email Intimaton to Banks | 21 kb |
| CIMS |
208 | Monitoring Progress of Financial Inclusion (MPFI)- Quantitative Return (Template-I) | To measure the progress of FI during the quarter in sync with recommendations of NSFI. | Quarterly | FIDD | All Domestic Scheduled Commercial Banks (Including Regional Rural Banks)
Small Finance Banks, Payments Banks
Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks [Tier III and IV]
All State Co-operative Banks and District Central Co-operative Banks | FIDD.CO.FID.No.S-1456/12.01.113/2024-25 dated December 12, 2024 Monitoring Progress of Financial Inclusion [MPFI] Return Reg. | 62 kb |
| CIMS |
209 | Monitoring Progress of Financial Inclusion (MPFI)- Qualitative Return (Template-II) | To understand developments in the financial inclusion sphere. | Annual | FIDD | All Domestic Scheduled Commercial Banks (Including Regional Rural Banks)
Small Finance Banks, Payments Banks
Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks [Tier III and IV]
All State Co-operative Banks and District Central Co-operative Banks | FIDD.CO.FID.No.S-1456/12.01.113/2024-25 dated December 12, 2024 Monitoring Progress of Financial Inclusion [MPFI] Return Reg. | 15 kb |
| CIMS |
210 | Natural Calamity Relief Measures- Quarterly | Relief Measures by Banks in Areas affected by Natural Calamities | Quarterly | FIDD | All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including Small Finance Banks and excluding Regional Rural Banks) via SLBCs through Regional Offices | MD.FIDD.CO.FSD.BC No.9/05.10.001/2018-19 dated October 17, 2018 | 11 kb |
| CIMS |
211 | Natural Calamity Relief Measures | Relief Measures by Banks in Areas affected by Natural Calamities | Monthly | FIDD | All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including Small Finance Banks and excluding Regional Rural Banks) on the Natural Calamity Relief Measures Portal | MD.FIDD.CO.FSD.BC No.9/05.10.001/2018-19 dated October 17, 2018 | 709 kb |
| CIMS |
212 | Natural Calamity Relief Measures | Notification issued by State Government on declaration of natural calamity | As and When | FIDD | SLBCs on the Natural Calamity Relief Measures Portal | MD.FIDD.CO.FSD.BC No.9/05.10.001/2018-19 dated October 17, 2018 | 709 kb |
| CIMS |
213 | MTSS | MTSS Business | Monthly | DPSS | MTSS Entities | DPSS.CO.OD.No.670/06.08.001/2019-20 dated September 24, 2019 | 11 kb |
| Email |
214 | Internal Ombudsman (IO) for Non-Bank System Participants | Data on IO complaints | Quarterly & Annual | CEPD | Non-Bank System Participants with more than one crore outstanding PPIs | Internal Ombudsman Scheme for Non-bank System Participants, 2019 | 10 kb |
| Email |
215 | Internal Ombudsman (IO) for Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) | Data on IO complaints | Quarterly & Annual | CEPD | a) Deposit-taking NBFCs (NBFCs-D) with 10 or more branches.
b) Non-Deposit taking NBFCs (NBFCs-ND) with asset size of Rs.5,000 crore and above and having public customer interface. | Internal Ombudsman Scheme for
NBFCs, 2021 | 10 kb |
| Email |
216 | Allocation of branches to Statutory Branch Auditors (SBAs) by Public Sector Banks (PSBs) | PSBs are required to upload the details of branches allocated to their SBAs, on an annual basis, in the Auditor Allocation System (AAS) application maintained by the Bank | Annual | DoS | All PSBs | Confidential Letter on Appointment of SBAs issued by ARG on annual basis to each PSB separately | 16 kb |
| Auditor Allocation System |
217 | Half yearly/ Quarterly Review of Accounts of Public Sector Banks – Review Report by Statutory Central Auditors (SCAs) | SCAs of PSBs are required to conduct half yearly/quarterly review of accounts of PSBs and submit Review Report in the prescribed format | Half yearly / Quarterly | DoS | All PSBs | DBS.ARS.No.BC.17/08.91.001/2002-03 dated June 5, 2003 | 12 kb |
| Manual |
218 | Half yearly/ Quarterly Review of Accounts of Public Sector Banks – Review of Accounts | SCAs of PSBs are required to conduct half yearly/quarterly review of financial results of PSBs and submit the same | Half yearly / Quarterly | DoS | All PSBs | Circular dated July 28, 2016 on ‘Half yearly/ Quarterly Review of Accounts of Public Sector Banks’ | 78 kb |
| Manual |
219 | Form A Certificate | Information to be submitted by the NBFCs regarding appointment of Statutory Central Auditor (SCA)/ Statutory Auditor (SA) | Annual | DoS | All NBFCs | Guidelines for Appointment of Statutory Central Auditors (SCAs)/Statutory Auditors (SAs) of Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs), UCBs and NBFCs (including HFCs) | 162 kb |
| Hard copy/Email |
220 | FMR 1 | Report on Actual or Suspected Frauds in Banks | As and when the fraud occurs | DoS | All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | | 93 kb |
| CIMS |
221 | FMR 3 | Update of Form FMR-1 | As and when any development occurs in FMR-1 details | DoS | All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | | 30 kb |
| CIMS |
222 | D-QPSA | An ad-hoc return, for collection of district-wise credit data (Loan outstanding) for the select PS target items in order to ensure timely computation of PS Shortfall allocation for RIDF, for the period FY:2021-22 onwards. | Quarterly | FIDD | All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) | Priority Sector Lending (PSL) – Introduction of District QPSA Return | 116 kb |
| Email |
223 | Foreign currency account/s in India with AD Category-I banks | Foreign currency account/s in India with AD Category-I banks | Quarterly | FED | FFMCs/non-bank ADs Category-II | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 RBI/FED/2015-16/13 FED Master Direction No.18/2015-16 January 1, 2016 | 1288 kb |
| Hardcopy |
224 | Amount of foreign currency written off during the financial year | Amount of foreign currency written off during the financial year | Yearly | FED | FFMCs/non-bank ADs Category-II | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 RBI/FED/2015-16/13 FED Master Direction No.18/2015-16 January 1, 2016 | 1288 kb |
| Hardcopy |
225 | RMC-F | Form regarding appointment of franchisees | As and when new franchisee agreements are entered into | FED | AD Category – I Bank / AD Category - II/ FFMC | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 RBI/FED/2015-16/13 FED Master Direction No.18/2015-16 January 1, 2016 | 1288 kb |
| Hardcopy |
226 | Collateral held under MTSS | Collateral held under MTSS | Half Yearly | FED | Indian Agents under Money Transfer Service Scheme | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 RBI/FED/2015-16/13 FED Master Direction No.18/2015-16 January 1, 2016 | 1288 kb |
| Hard copy/Email /AP-Connect |
227 | Overseas Principal-Indian Agent wise list of sub-agents (MTSS) | Overseas Principal-Indian Agent wise list of sub-agents | On appointment | FED | Indian Agents under Money Transfer Service Scheme | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 RBI/FED/2015-16/13 FED Master Direction No.18/2015-16 January 1, 2016 | 1288 kb |
| Hard copy/Email /AP-Connect |
228 | Reporting of NCD defaults | Defaults of NCDs having original maturity upto one year need to be reported | As and when NCDs with original maturity upto one year are defaulted | FMRD | Debenture Trustees | Master Direction on Money Market Instruments: Call/Notice Money Market, Commercial Paper, Certificates of Deposit and Non-Convertible Debentures (original maturity up to one year) dated July 07, 2016 and the circular FMD.MSRG.49/02.13.016/2010-2011 dated July 28, 2010. | 24 kb |
| E-Mail & Hardcopy |
229 | Quarterly reporting of NCDs outstanding | Outstanding NCDs of original maturity upto one year, are to be reported on a quarterly basis | Quarterly | FMRD | Debenture Trustees | Master Direction on Money Market Instruments: Call/Notice Money Market, Commercial Paper, Certificates of Deposit and Non-Convertible Debentures (original maturity up to one year) dated July 07, 2016 and the circular FMD.MSRG.49/02.13.016/2010-2011 dated July 28, 2010. | 25 kb |
| E-Mail & Hardcopy |
230 | Extension of time in respect of clean credit for import of rough, cut and polished diamonds | Extension of time in respect of clean credit for import of rough, cut and polished diamonds | Half-yearly (Format not prescribed) | FED | AD Category I Bank | AP (DIR Series) Circular No.57 dated March 31, 2016. | | Hardcopy |
231 | Advance remittances made for import of rough diamonds without a bank guarantee or standby letter of credit, where the amount of advance payment is equivalent to or exceeds USD 5,000,000 | Advance remittances made for import of rough diamonds without a bank guarantee or standby letter of credit, where the amount of advance payment is equivalent to or exceeds USD 5,000,000/- | Half-yearly (as per format annexed to the circular) | FED | AD Category I Bank | A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.116 dated April 01, 2014 | | Hardcopy |
232 | Reporting of NCD issuances | Issuances of NCDs having original maturity upto one year need to be reported | As and when NCDs with original maturity upto one year are issued | FMRD | Debenture Trustees | Master Direction on Money Market Instruments: Call/Notice Money Market, Commercial Paper, Certificates of Deposit and Non-Convertible Debentures (original maturity up to one year) dated July 07, 2016 and the circular FMD.MSRG.49/02.13.016/2010-2011 dated July 28, 2010. | 39 kb |
| E-Mail & Hardcopy |
233 | Form FC | Return on Overseas Direct Investment (ODI)/ financial commitment/ restructuring/ disinvestment in a foreign entity | As and when | FED | Person resident in India | Master Direction - Overseas Investment dated July 24, 2024 | 58 kb | 315 kb |
| |
234 | Form APR | Return on financial position and share-holding pattern of the foreign entity, repatriation if any, and details of step-down subsidiaries | Annual | FED | Person resident in India | Master Direction - Overseas Investment dated July 24, 2024 | 26 kb | 170 kb |
| |
235 | Form OPI | Return on portfolio investment by Indian companies/ Resident individuals by way of ESOP/ employee benefit schemes/ mutual funds/ alternative investment funds/ venture capital funds | Half- yearly | FED | Person resident in India | Master Direction - Overseas Investment dated July 24, 2024 | 26 kb | 144 kb |
| |
236 | Currency Chest Transactions | Daily transactions viz. deposit, withdrawal, remittances (fresh notes/ soiled notes / coins), diversions, etc. at CCs | Daily | DCM | Currency Chests of the banks | Master Direction on Penal Provisions in deficiencies in reporting of transactions/ balances at Currency Chests (DCM (CC) No.G-4/03.35.01/2022-23 dated April 01, 2022) | System (CyM) driven depending in transaction involved |
| CyM System |
237 | FMR-IV | To capture the updated information Report on Dacoities / Robberies
/ Theft / Burglaries for NBFCs | Quarterly | DOS | NBFCs – Deposit Taking & NDSIs | Master Direction - Monitoring of Frauds in NBFCs (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 | 46 kb |
| CIMS |
238 | LBS – MIS | Progress made under the Annual Credit Plan of a State/ Union Territory | Quarterly | FIDD | SLBC/ UTLBC Convenor Banks | Master Circular – Lead Bank Scheme | 18 kb |
| Email |
239 | Details of the outstanding Certificates of Deposits (CDs) | Details of outstanding CDs held with depositories in the dematerialised form | Fortnightly | FMRD | Depositories | Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Certificate of Deposit) Directions, 2021 dated June 4, 2021 | 11 kb |
| E-Mail |
240 | Return on Performance of Digital Banking Units | Return covers details of services offered, performance and business development through Digital Banking Units (DBUs) | Monthly | DoS | All SCBs (excluding Regional Rural Banks [RRBs], PBs and LABs) having Digital Banking Units | DOR.AUT.REC.12/22.01.001/2022-23 | 21 kb |
| EDSP |
241 | MSME working capital and investment credit | Data on working capital loan and investment credit extended to MSMEs | Quarterly | FIDD | Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks (including Small Finance Banks) | email intimation | 10 kb |
| email |
242 | Information about New Directors/ Change of Directors of the FFMC / non-bank AD Category – II | Information about New Directors/ Change of Directors of the FFMC / non-bank AD Category – II | As and when necessary | FED | FFMCs/non-bank ADs Category-II | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, dated January 1, 2016 | 164 kb |
| Email / Hard copy |
243 | Any action initiated by Directorate of Enforcement (DoE) / Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) or any other law enforcing authorities against the FFMCs/ non-bank ADs Category II or its directors | Any action initiated by Directorate of Enforcement (DoE) / Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) or any other law enforcing authorities against the FFMCs/ non-bank ADs Category II or its directors | Within one month of such action | FED | FFMCs/non-bank ADs Category-II | Master Direction - Money Changing Activities dated, January 1, 2016 | | Email / Hard copy |
244 | Annual audited balance sheet along with a certificate from statutory auditors regarding the NOF as on the date of the balance sheet | Annual audited balance sheet along with a certificate from statutory auditors regarding the NOF as on the date of the balance sheet | Latest by October 31 of the year concerned | FED | FFMCs/non-bank ADs Category-II | Master Direction - Money Changing Activities dated, January 1, 2016 | | Email / Hard copy |
245 | Annual review note on the vostro accounts of the Exchange Houses maintained under the Rupee/ Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangements (RDAs/ FcyDAs) | Annual review note on the vostro accounts of the Exchange Houses maintained under the Rupee/ Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangements (RDAs/ FcyDAs) | Annually | FED | AD Category - I Banks | Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, dated January 1, 2016 | | Email / Hard copy |
246 | Commencement of operations of the company/ new branch of the company | Commencement of operations of the company/ new branch of the company | As and when necessary | FED | FFMCs/non-bank ADs Category-II | Master Direction - Money Changing Activities dated, January 1, 2016 | | Email / Hard copy |
247 | Report on transactions in gold derivatives in exchanges | Report on transactions undertaken to hedge price risk of gold in exchanges at International Financial Services Centres and outside India | Quarterly | FMRD | Authorised Dealer Category - I Banks | Reporting Platform for transactions undertaken to hedge price risk of gold - FMRD.FMD.No.08/02.03.185/2024-25 dated December 27, 2024 | 14 kb |
| Email |
* Notes SCBs: Scheduled Commercial Banks RRBs: Regional Rural Banks SFBs: Small Finance Banks PBs: Payment Banks LABs: Lead Area Banks AIFIs: All India Financial Institutions ADs: Authorised Dealers IP Agents: Issuing and Paying Agents NBFCs: Non-Banking Financial Companies RNBCs: Residuary Non-Banking Companies NBFC-D: Non-Banking Financial Companies- Deposit Taking NBFC-ND-SI: Non-Banking Financial Companies- Non-Deposit Taking-Systemically Important UCBs: Urban Cooperative Banks StCBs: State / Central Co-operative Banks DCCBs: District Central Co-operative Banks CICs: Credit Information Companies AMCs: All Authorised Money Changers FFMCs: Full Fledged Money Changers MTSS: Money Transfer Service Scheme WLAs: White label ATMs PDs: Primary Dealers SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India @ Master Directions will be issued soon |