DNBS (CMDI) C.C. No. 67 /21.05.15/2005-06
April 5, 2006
To All NBFCs not accepting/holding public deposits
Dear Sir,
Monthly Return on important
financial parameters of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) not accepting/
holding public deposits and having assets size of
Rs. 100 crore and above
Please refer to our Circular DNBS(RID)
C.C.No.57/02.05.15/2005-06 dated September 6, 2005 advising of a reporting
arrangement for Non-Banking Financial Companies not accepting/holding public
deposits and having assets size of Rs.100 crore and above.
2. The Bank has been receiving
captioned monthly return and based on the experience it has been decided to
modify the return. Accordingly, a revised
format of the return incorporating certain amendments/ refinements is enclosed.
3. The first monthly return in
revised format may be submitted for the month of May 2006
4. The changes proposed in the
format of return are as under:
a) Part III: Requirement
as to Profit and Loss Account
Cumulative position as at the month
b) Part IV: Asset Classification
Age-wise break-up of NPA’s, Doubtful
Assets and Loss Assets.
c) Part VI: Bank’s/FIs exposure
on the company
Highest outstanding in the balance
of working capital.
d) Part VIII: Capital Market
i) Loans/Advances for investments
in equity shares (including IPOs and ESOPs), bonds and debentures ,units of
equity oriented mutual funds , etc to individuals and corporates.
ii) Loans and advances against
collateral of shares to individuals,Corporates and Stock brokers.
iii) Separate data for convertible
and non-convertible bonds and debentures.
e) Part VIII: Foreign Sources
of Funds
Purpose/deployment of resources
to be indicated
5. The instructions about time
of reporting and manner of reporting contained in our Circular dated September
6, 2005 ,ibid, remains unchanged.
6. It may be added that non submission
of the return will attract penal action from the Bank.
Yours faithfully,
General Manager