(₹ Crore) |
Sources | Outstanding as on March 31/last reporting Fridays of the month/reporting Fridays |
2023-24 | 2023 | 2024 |
Dec. 29 | Nov. 29 | Dec. 13 | Dec. 27 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 Net Bank Credit to Government | 7512016 | 7171807 | 8035414 | 8048578 | 7850250 |
1 Net Bank Credit to Government (Including Merger) | (7603571) | (7272617) | (8086633) | (8099444) | (7901119) |
1.1 RBI’s net credit to Government (1.1.1–1.1.2) | 1193213 | 979659 | 1242346 | 1239095 | 1000891 |
1.1.1 Claims on Government | 1370428 | 1360482 | 1287452 | 1301462 | 1276034 | Central Government | 1363828 | 1357903 | 1270987 | 1272718 | 1254193 | State Governments | 6600 | 2579 | 16465 | 28744 | 21841 |
1.1.2 Government deposits with RBI | 177215 | 380824 | 45106 | 62366 | 275143 | Central Government | 177172 | 380781 | 45064 | 62324 | 275101 | State Governments | 42 | 43 | 42 | 42 | 42 |
1.2 Other Banks’ Credit to Government | 6318803 | 6192149 | 6793069 | 6809483 | 6849360 |
1.2 Other Banks Credit to Government (Including Merger) | (6410358) | (6292959) | (6844287) | (6860349) | (6900228) |
2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector | 16672145 | 16136616 | 17835267 | 17900969 | 18090813 |
2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector (Including Merger) | (17202832) | (16709688) | (18291281) | (18346470) | (18529356) |
2.1 RBI’s credit to commercial sector | 14406 | 5080 | 10463 | 10271 | 10519 |
2.2 Other banks’ credit to commercial sector | 16657739 | 16131536 | 17824804 | 17890698 | 18080294 |
2.2 Other banks credit to commercial sector (Including Merger) | (17188426) | (16704608) | (18280818) | (18336199) | (18518837) |
2.2.1 Bank credit by commercial banks | 15901477 | 15388871 | 17052942 | 17141380 | 17304495 |
2.2.1 Bank credit by commercial banks (Including Merger) | (16432164) | (15961944) | (17508956) | (17586881) | (17743037) |
2.2.2 Bank credit by co-operative banks | 738194 | 725337 | 753253 | 730523 | 757258 |
2.2.3 Investments by commercial and co-operative banks in other securities | 18068 | 17327 | 18610 | 18794 | 18541 |
2.2.3 Investments by commercial and co-operative banks in other securities (Including Merger) | (18068) | (17327) | (18610) | (18794) | (18541) |
3 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of Banking Sector (3.1 + 3.2) | 5567245 | 5337666 | 5775605 | 5750833 | 5690829 |
3.1 RBIs net foreign exchange assets (3.1.1 - 3.1.2) | 5240824 | 5038109 | 5408898 | 5384126 | 5324122 |
3.1.1 Gross foreign assets | 5241083 | 5038371 | 5409166 | 5384388 | 5324384 |
3.1.2 Foreign liabilities | 259 | 261 | 268 | 262 | 262 |
3.2 Other banks’ net foreign exchange assets | 326421 | 299557 | 366707 | 366707 | 366707 |
4 Government’s Currency Liabilities to the Public | 33432 | 32596 | 35419 | 35419 | 35419 |
5 Banking Sector’s Net Non-monetary Liabilities | 4953219 | 4422695 | 5233476 | 5213108 | 5154801 |
5 Banking Sectors Net Non-monetary Liabilities (Including Merger) | (5467219) | (4975291) | (5671548) | (5641660) | (5577522) |
5.1 Net non-monetary liabilities of RBI | 1789875 | 1792947 | 1901186 | 1915858 | 1890916 |
5.2 Net non-monetary liabilities of other banks (residual) | 3163344 | 2629748 | 3332290 | 3297250 | 3263885 |
5.2 Net non-monetary liabilities of other banks (residual) (Including Merger) | (3677343) | (3182344) | (3770362) | (3725802) | (3686606) |
M3(1+2+3+4–5) | 24831618 | 24255990 | 26448230 | 26522691 | 26512510 |
M3 (1+2+3+4-5) (Including Merger) | (24939860) | (24377277) | (26517391) | (26590507) | (26579200) |
Note: Figures in parentheses include the impact of merger of a non-bank with bank. 3.1: Include foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC (UK). |