(₹ Crore) |
Item | Outstanding as on March 31/last reporting Fridays of the month/reporting Fridays |
2023-24 | 2023 | 2024 |
Dec. 29 | Nov. 29 | Dec. 13 | Dec. 27 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Monetary Aggregates | | | | | |
NM1 (1.1+1.2.1+1.3) | 6091700 | 5917655 | 6265846 | 6326776 | 6272318 |
NM2 (NM1 + | 14424855 | 14081095 | 15223357 | 15287032 | 15252461 |
NM2 (NM1 + (Including Merger) | (14473564) | (14135674) | (15254479) | (15317549) | (15282471) |
NM3 (NM2 + + 1.4 = 2.1 + 2.2 + 2.3 – 2.4 – 2.5) | 25387764 | 24817697 | 27122450 | 27105392 | 27183290 |
NM3 (NM2 + + 1.4 = 2.1 + 2.2 + 2.3 - 2.4 - 2.5) (Including Merger) | (25496006) | (24938984) | (27191610) | (27173207) | (27249981) |
1 Components | | | | | |
1.1 Currency with the Public | 3410276 | 3256115 | 3444217 | 3476238 | 3459977 |
1.2 Aggregate Deposits of Residents | 21105009 | 20721466 | 22624216 | 22662975 | 22666584 |
1.2 Aggregate Deposits of Residents (Including Merger) | (21213252) | (20842754) | (22693377) | (22730790) | (22733275) |
1.2.1 Demand Deposits | 2586888 | 2580490 | 2718636 | 2751293 | 2710713 |
1.2.2 Time Deposits of Residents | 18518121 | 18140977 | 19905580 | 19911682 | 19955872 |
1.2.2 Time Deposits of Residents (Including Merger) | (18626364) | (18262264) | (19974741) | (19979497) | (20022562) | Short-term Time Deposits | 8333155 | 8163440 | 8957511 | 8960257 | 8980142 | Short-term Time Deposits (Including Merger) | (8381864) | (8218019) | (8988633) | (8990774) | (9010153) | Certificates of Deposits (CDs) | 369399 | 342514 | 493598 | 484414 | 499061 | Long-term Time Deposits | 10184967 | 9977537 | 10948069 | 10951425 | 10975729 | Long-term Time Deposits (Including Merger) | (10244500) | (10044245) | (10986107) | (10988724) | (11012409) |
1.3 'Other' Deposits with RBI | 94536 | 81051 | 102993 | 99244 | 101629 |
1.4 Call/Term Funding from Financial Institutions | 777942 | 759065 | 951023 | 866935 | 955100 |
2 Sources | | | | | |
2.1 Domestic Credit | 25295986 | 24396448 | 27060933 | 27154284 | 27103156 |
2.1 Domestic Credit (Including Merger) | (25918227) | (25070331) | (27568166) | (27650651) | (27592567) |
2.1.1 Net Bank Credit to the Government | 7512016 | 7171807 | 8035414 | 8048578 | 7850250 |
2.1.1 Net Bank Credit to the Government (Including Merger) | (7603571) | (7272617) | (8086633) | (8099444) | (7901119) | Net RBI credit to the Government | 1193213 | 979659 | 1242346 | 1239095 | 1000891 | Credit to the Government by the Banking System | 6318803 | 6192149 | 6793069 | 6809483 | 6849360 | Credit to the Government by the Banking System (Including Merger) | (6410358) | (6292959) | (6844287) | (6860349) | (6900228) |
2.1.2 Bank Credit to the Commercial Sector | 17783970 | 17224641 | 19025519 | 19105706 | 19252905 |
2.1.2 Bank Credit to the Commercial Sector (Including Merger) | (18314656) | (17797714) | (19481533) | (19551207) | (19691448) | RBI Credit to the Commercial Sector | 14406 | 5080 | 10463 | 10271 | 10519 | Credit to the Commercial Sector by the Banking System | 17769564 | 17219561 | 19015056 | 19095435 | 19242386 | Credit to the Commercial Sector by the Banking System (Including Merger) | (18300250) | (17792634) | (19471070) | (19540936) | (19680929) | Other Investments ( Non-SLR Securities) | 1089184 | 1074161 | 1177017 | 1189721 | 1146977 |
2.2 Government's Currency Liabilities to the Public | 33432 | 32596 | 35419 | 35419 | 35683 |
2.3 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the Banking Sector | 5110820 | 4977214 | 5289237 | 5372827 | 5300111 |
2.3.1 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the RBI | 5240824 | 5038109 | 5408898 | 5384126 | 5324122 |
2.3.2 Net Foreign Currency Assets of the Banking System | -130004 | -60896 | -119661 | -11299 | -24011 |
2.4 Capital Account | 3912897 | 4020302 | 4401596 | 4397734 | 4396751 |
2.5 Other items (net) | 1653576 | 1120855 | 1299617 | 1487955 | 1281628 |
Note: Figures in parentheses include the impact of merger of a non-bank with a bank. NM2 and NM3 do not include FCNR (B) deposits. 2.4: Consist of paid-up capital and reserves. 2.5: includes other demand and time liabilities of the banking system. |