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30. New Capital Issues by Non-Government Public Limited Companies
Date : Feb 19, 2025
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Security & Type of Issue 2023-24 2023-24 (Apr.-Dec.) 2024-25 (Apr.-Dec.) * Dec. 2023 Dec. 2024 *
No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Equity Shares 339 80942 243 57411 368 189018 33 9572 48 31119
1.1 Public 272 65832 195 50873 261 172137 31 9534 34 27031
1.2 Rights 67 15110 48 6538 107 16881 2 38 14 4088
2 Public Issue of Bonds/ Debentures 44 16342 32 12932 32 6628 6 2014 3 722
3 Total (1+2) 383 97284 275 70343 400 195646 39 11586 51 31841
3.1 Public 316 82174 227 63805 293 178765 37 11548 37 27753
3.2 Rights 67 15110 48 6538 107 16881 2 38 14 4088
Note: 1. Since April 2020, monthly data on equity issues is compiled on the basis of their listing date.
2. Figures in the columns might not add up to the total due to rounding off numbers.
3. The table covers only public and rights issuances of equity and debt. It does not include data on private placement of debt, qualified institutional placements and preferential allotments.
Source: Securities and Exchange Board of India.
*: Data is Provisional
Exclude private placement and offer for sale.
1: Exclude bonus shares.
2: Include cumulative convertible preference shares and equi-preference shares.
