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49. Market Borrowings of State Governments
Date : Feb 19, 2025
(₹ Crore)
Sr. No. State 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Total amount raised, so far in 2024-25
October November December
Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Net
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Andhra Pradesh 57478 45814 68400 55330 6000 4000 4000 2000 4237 3237 58237 40155
2 Arunachal Pradesh 559 389 902 672 - - 400 400 395 315 795 569
3 Assam 17100 16105 18500 16000 1500 1000 - -500 1800 1100 11050 8400
4 Bihar 36800 27467 47612 29910 8000 3000 6000 3000 6000 3500 32000 19422
5 Chhattisgarh 2000 -2287 32000 26213 3000 2300 - - - - 6500 3000
6 Goa 1350 500 2550 1560 200 100 200 100 - - 1050 250
7 Gujarat 43000 28300 30500 11947 1500 -500 3000 1000 4500 2000 13500 3000
8 Haryana 45158 28638 47500 28364 1500 750 4000 3500 2000 1150 27000 19870
9 Himachal Pradesh 14000 11941 8072 5856 600 200 500 300 1000 900 6700 4750
10 Jammu & Kashmir UT 8473 5969 16337 13904 400 -40 400 400 1600 1600 11750 10410
11 Jharkhand 4000 -155 1000 -2505 - - - - - -750 - -750
12 Karnataka 36000 26000 81000 63003 20000 18000 4000 1500 16000 13500 43000 29500
13 Kerala 30839 15620 42438 26638 2745 1245 2249 1249 2755 2455 32002 19802
14 Madhya Pradesh 40158 26849 38500 26264 5000 4000 5000 4250 5000 4250 30000 22900
15 Maharashtra 72000 42815 110000 79738 3000 600 - -2700 - -3100 67000 41700
16 Manipur 1422 1147 1426 1076 200 - - - 200 200 1000 740
17 Meghalaya 1753 1356 1364 912 197 197 - - 635 535 1882 1294
18 Mizoram 1315 1129 901 641 50 50 80 60 140 40 811 581
19 Nagaland 1854 1199 2551 2016 - - - -150 250 250 550 200
20 Odisha 0 -7500 0 -4658 - -500 1000 1000 - - 1000 -500
21 Puducherry 1200 698 1100 475 300 300 - -100 350 350 900 500
22 Punjab 45500 33660 42386 29517 3150 3150 387 387 2500 2200 32930 28176
23 Rajasthan 46057 30110 73624 49718 7000 5230 4265 3015 4800 3800 52565 36483
24 Sikkim 1414 1320 1916 1701 1000 1000 - - - - 1000 870
25 Tamil Nadu 87000 65722 113001 75970 8000 3150 9025 5400 11000 10000 78025 53175
26 Telangana 40150 30922 49618 39385 4500 3700 1000 200 3500 2500 40500 31982
27 Tripura 0 -645 0 -550 - - - - - - - -
28 Uttar Pradesh 55612 41797 97650 85335 3000 24 6000 3500 12000 8422 21000 7713
29 Uttarakhand 3200 1450 6300 3800 500 500 500 500 1000 - 3400 2400
30 West Bengal 63000 42500 69910 48910 3500 2000 3000 1000 7000 5000 38000 22900
  Grand Total 758392 518829 1007058 717140 84842 53457 55006 29311 88662 63454 614147 409492
- : Nil.
Note: The State of J&K has ceased to exist constitutionally from October 31, 2019 and the liabilities of the State continue to remain as liabilities of the new UT of Jammu and Kashmir.
Source: Reserve Bank of India.
