Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting The Reserve Bank of India proposes to call physical tenders for Appointment of structural consultant for design check, proof checking/peer review from reputed institutions, seismic analysis and repair, rehabilitation & retrofitting works of Bank’s Main Office Building and its Annexe building, Ahmedabad and issuing certificate of structural safety and soundness of the buildings. Interested/desirous consultants, who strictly meet the pre-qualification criteria may respond. Schedule of tender is follows: SCHEDULE OF TENDER (SOT) Tender | Physical Mode (Offline) Part I - Techno-Commercial Bid Part II - Price Bid 3rd cover containing EMD 4th cover containing Pre-qualification documents as mentioned in tender document (PQ) | Tender document available for Downloading from Bank’s Website | January 31, 2025 from 11.30 AM onwards | Date of Pre-bid Meeting | Offline 11.30 AM on February 27, 2025 at Estate department, MOB, RBI Ahmedabad | Date from which bidding starts | February 27, 2025, 12.30 PM onwards | Last date for submission of Bids (Part-I, Part-II and Pre-qualification documents) together with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) @ 2% of the Bid Amount# in form of Demand Draft or in the form of irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by any scheduled Bank drawn in favour of Reserve Bank of India, Ahmedabad. | March 10, 2025 upto 03:00 PM | Date and time of opening Part-I & PQ (Techno-commercial Bids)# | March 10, 2025 at 4.00 PM | Address for submission of Bids | Estate Department, 4th floor, Main Office Building, Reserve Bank of India, Near Gandhi Bridge, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad-380014. | Contact for communication | 1. Shri Lavkesh Meena, Manager Tech-civil, Mob-7053756073 2. Shri Balram Panchal, Assistant Manager Tech-civil, Mob-7020369948 | Date and time of opening of Part-II (Price Bids) of tender# | Will be intimated to the Eligible bidders | Validity period of the bid | 90 days, From the date of opening of Price Bid. | * If any of the above dates is declared as a holiday for Reserve Bank of India, the next working date will be considered. Reserve Bank of India reserves the right to change the dates mentioned in this document. #The consultant should submit three separate envelopes duly sealed with clearly super scribing content of envelope, name of work and name of participant as mentioned below: -
Part - I (Techno Commercial Bid) -
Part - II (Price Bid) -
Pre-qualification documents as mentioned in tender document. It is also advised to not to mention tendered amount/quoted amount and EMD amount in Part-I of the Tender Document or on any envelope. | |