IMPORTANT INFORMATION and SCHEDULE OF TENDER (SOT) NIT No / e-Tender no. | RBI/Belapur Regional office/Estate/10/24-25/ET/893[SITC of LED Lights at Belapur] | Name of Work: | Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of various LED light fittings and allied works at Bank's Main Office Building, Belapur | Date and time of Invitation of e-Tender | February 07, 2025; 12:00 Hrs | Date and time of Pre-bid meeting | March 10, 2025; 15:00 Hrs (Offline) Venue: Estate Cell 2nd floor, Reserve Bank of India, H.H Nirmala Devi Marg, Sector-10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai. | Date of Starting of e-Tender for submission of online Techno- Commercial Bid and price Bid at | March 03, 2025; from 14:00 hrs. | Last date of Submission of e-Tender | March 21, 2025; 12:00 Hrs | Date and time of opening of e-Tender | March 21, 2025; 12:30 Hrs | e-tender invited trough e-procurement website - “This notice is being published for information only and is not an open invitation to quote in this limited tender. Participation in this tender is by invitation only and is limited to the selected Procuring Entity’s enlisted contractors. Unsolicited offers are liable to be ignored. However, contractors who desire to participate in such tenders in future may apply for enlistment with RBI as per procedure.” | | |