Corrigendum cum Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi invites bids via e-Tender through MSTC for providing “Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) and Facility Management Service (FMS) of Computer Hardware, Software and Peripherals at RBI, New Delhi”. The e-Tender along with the detailed tender notice is available at MSTC website and the website of the RBI at under the section “Tenders”. All interested bidders must register themselves with MSTC through the above referred website to participate in the e-Tendering process. a. Name of Work: | Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) & Facility Management Service (FMS) for Computer Hardware, Software and Peripherals at Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi | b. e-Tender No. | RBI/Delhi Regional Office/Others/1/24-25/ET/896[AMC and FMS] | c. Mode of Tender | e-Procurement System - Single Stage Two Envelope (Online Part I - Techno-Commercial Bid and Part II - Price Bid through | d. Date/Time on which NIT will be available to parties to download | February 10, 2025. | e. Pre-bid meeting | March 03, 2025 at 11:00 HRS. Venue: IT Cell, Reserve Bank of India, 6, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Request for attending the pre-bid meeting may be sent by interested parties through email to on or before March 03, 2025 at 10:00 HRS. Minutes of the pre-bid meeting will be placed on Bank’s website by 16:00 HRS of March 04, 2025. All bid related queries for the pre-bid meeting shall be sent by Bidders through email at on or before March 03, 2025 by 10:00 HRS. | f. Estimated Cost of Work | ₹33.00 Lakh (For One Year) (inclusive of all taxes) | g. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | ₹66,000/- (Rupees Sixty-Six Thousand only) The bidder may submit the EMD in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft, Banker's Cheque or NEFT payment online in an acceptable form. The details of the various modes of payment of EMD are given in Section-XI. The bidders are also allowed to deposit EMD in the form of a Bank Guarantee in lieu of demand draft. Details of Proforma of Bank Guarantee in lieu of Earnest Money Deposit is given in Section-XII. The EMD shall not be accepted in any form other than the ones mentioned in the tender notice. (Please mention EMD Deposit details while applying in the given format Annex-VII) | h. Transaction Fee | Transaction Fee to be paid through MSTC payment Gateway / NEFT in favour of M/s MSTC Limited or as advised by them (Transaction fee will NOT be charged by RBI) | i. Last date/time of submission of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) by NEFT or post | March 13, 2025, 12:00 HRS (Bids received without EMD by this time would be considered as unresponsive and rejected). | j. Date/time of start for submission of Techno-Commercial Bid and Price Bid at | March 04, 2025 at 20:00 HRS. | k. Date of closing of online e-tender for submission of Techno-Commercial Bid & Price Bid. | March 13, 2025 at 15:00 HRS. | l. Date & time of opening of Part-I (i.e. Techno-Commercial Bid) | March 13, 2025 at 16:00 HRS. | m. Date & time of opening of Part-II (i.e. Price Bid) | On or before March 24, 2025 (Exact date shall be intimated by the Bank in respect of only those bidders who satisfy all criteria stipulated in Part-I). | n. Issuance of Work Order / Award of Contract | On or before March 31, 2025. | The Tenderer should check the above website / e-portal for any Amendment / Corrigendum / Clarification before submitting the bid. The Bank shall have the right to cancel, modify the Tender and extend the deadline for submission of Tender. Further, the Bank reserves the right to accept any Tender, either in full or in part and to reject any or all the Tenders without assigning any reason thereof. If there are any differences between the English version and any translation of the tender document, the English version shall prevail. | |