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Date : Feb 18, 2025
Providing Catering Services at Zonal Training Centre, Reserve Bank of India, 8 Council House Street, Kolkata

Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting

Zonal Training Centre, Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata Regional Office, invites E-Tender under two-bid system (Technical & Financial Bid) for providing Catering Services for Trainees at Zonal Training Centre, Reserve Bank of India, 8 Council House Street, Kolkata. The tender will be applicable for initial period of one-year w.e.f. April 01, 2025 to March 31, 2026 or for the period as decided by Zonal Training Centre, Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata (hereinafter called “the Bank”). However, the contract may be extended further at the sole discretion of the Bank, subject to satisfactory performance and adherence to contractual obligations by the service provider/caterer.

2. Interested tenderers may like to go through the entire tender document before taking part in the tendering process. The tenderers may obtain for themselves on their own responsibility and at their own expenses all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of making tender and for entering into a contract and acquaint themselves with all local conditions, means of access to the work, nature of the work and all matters pertaining thereto.

3. All pre-qualification documents shall be uploaded with Techno-commercial bid (Part-I) on MSTC portal. Those who do not upload all the Pre-qualification documents would not be considered for this tender process. Further, the vendor should submit the original of the documents to the Bank when demanded to qualify for further tendering process.

  1. The tenderers are required to upload the copies of EPF/ESIC registration Certificates issued on Shram Suvidha Portal.

  2. The tenderers are required to upload at least 1 month of ECR and Combined Challan for EPF and Challan for ESIC to the Bank along with their tender.

4. Interested tenderers have to upload applicable documents satisfying all the points as stated above along with techno-commercial (Part-I) bid of tender. The same Eligibility documents should be uploaded with Techno Commercial Bid (Part-I) on the MSTC portal.

5. Tender form can be downloaded for viewing from RBI website or The applicable pre-qualification papers should be uploaded with Techno Commercial Bid (Part-I) on the MSTC portal.

6. Interested Vendors/firms can participate in e–Tender after getting registration with Online Part I – Techno-Commercial Bid and Part II – Price Bid shall be opened through and applicable transaction charges have to be paid by the firm.

7. Tender in prescribed format shall be uploaded on MSTC website. Part-I of tender will contain the Bank's standard technical and commercial conditions for the proposed work and tenderers' covering letter.

The EMD of ₹40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only) should be submitted by every bidder through NEFT transfer.

8. The schedule of the tender is as follows:

Sr. No. Activity Date
i. e-Tender no. RBI/Kolkata Regional Office/HRMD/12/24-25/ET/949
ii. Mode of Tender e-Procurement System
(Online Part I – Techno-Commercial Bid and Part II – Price Bid through
iii. Estimated Cost ₹20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lakh Only) approx. (Inclusive of GST)
iv. Date of Notice Inviting e-Tender (along with complete tender) available to parties to download- Tender activation on portal-Tender ‘Live’ for all February 18, 2025 at 17.00 hrs onwards
v. Bank Guarantee The successful bidder required to submit a performance bank guarantee of 5% of the contract value, i.e ₹1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) from a scheduled commercial bank valid till one month after the expiry of the contract period, in favour of Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata.

Failure to submit Bank Guarantee or failure on the part of Vendor to perform its contractual obligations shall be treated as a violation and can lead to cancellation of the Contract and the EMD of ₹40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only) submitted by it shall be forfeited.
vi. Earnest Money Deposit Every Bidder must remit ₹40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only) i.e, 2% of the Contract Value as EMD to Reserve Bank of India account up to 17.00 hrs. till March 10, 2025. The account details for NEFT transactions are as under:

Beneficiary name: - Reserve Bank of India
Account No.: 186003001 Proof of remittance indicating transaction number and other details shall be uploaded on Bank’s approved e-tender portal along with other tender documents. EMD shall be part of Techno-commercial Bid.

EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned on receipt of Bank Guarantee from the successful bidder after signing the Agreement. EMD of the unsuccessful bidder will be returned within 30 days of the award of the Contract. EMD shall be forfeited if the bidder

a) Withdraws his bid during the Tender Evaluation Process;

b) Makes misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments submitted, suppressed any material information, details of any legal proceedings pending in the court which might otherwise would have created any impact on the eligibility criteria;

c) Has been blacklisted by any Government agency and the blacklisting is still in force. Further, no interest will be paid on EMD.

Note: - No exemption for EMD is available for this tender to any category of bidder including MSMEs.
vii. Tender Fees Nil
viii. Transaction Fee
Please note that the Vendors will have the access to online e-tender only after payment of transaction fees online.
Payment of Transaction fee through MSTC Gateway/NEFT/RTGS in favor of MSTC Limited, as advised by M/s MSTC Ltd.
ix. Start Bid date - Date of Starting of e-Tender for submission of online Techno-Commercial Bid and Price Bid at February 18, 2025 at 17.00 hrs onwards
x Offline Pre-Bid Meeting – Date of pre-bid meeting February 28, 2025 at 12.00 hrs in ZTC, Kolkata
xi Close Bid date - Date of closing of online e–tender for submission of Techno- Commercial Bid and Price Bid March 11, 2025 at 11.00 hrs
xii Part I Bid opening date On or after 11.30 hrs on March 11, 2025

Prices should not be indicated/included in the Techno-commercial Bid.
xiii Part II Bid opening date Part-II (Financial Bid) of only those tenderers will be opened electronically in the MSTC portal who qualify in the technical bid evaluation. The Date and time of opening of Part-II (Financial Bid) will be intimated to the tenderers who are found eligible in the Part-I (Technical Bid evaluation).

No conditional/optional quote shall be accepted.
xiv Bank Guarantee The successful bidder required to submit a performance bank guarantee of 5% of the contract value, i.e ₹1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) from a scheduled commercial bank valid till one month after the expiry of the contract period, in favour of Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata.

Failure to submit Bank Guarantee or failure on the part of Vendor to perform its contractual obligations shall be treated as a violation and can lead to cancellation of the Contract and the EMD of ₹40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only) submitted by it shall be forfeited.
xv Tender Fees Nil
xvi Transaction Fee
Please note that the Vendors will have the access to online e-tender only after payment of transaction fees online.
Payment of Transaction fee through MSTC Gateway/NEFT/RTGS in favor of MSTC Limited, as advised by M/s MSTC Ltd.

9. The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part of any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof.

Deputy General Manager/MoF-in-Charge
Reserve Bank of India
Zonal Training Centre
Kolkata- 700001
Date: February 18, 2025
