E-Tender No - RBI/RAIPUR REGIONAL OFFICE/Others/1/24-25/ET/948[AMC and FMS at RBI Raipur] Tenders were invited for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) and Facility Management Service (FMS) of Computer Hardware, Software and Peripherals at Reserve Bank of India, Raipur after publishing the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) on the Bank’s website on February 17, 2025. As per the schedule, pre-bid meeting was scheduled to be conducted at 11:30 am on February 21, 2025 (Friday) at conference hall, ground floor, Reserve Bank of India, Raipur. No bidder came forward for the meeting. Hence, the meeting was not conducted. The terms and conditions and specifications of the tender document shall continue to remain same. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India Raipur | |