Reserve Bank India, Patna invites application for empanelment of vendors from firms / companies / agencies for inclusion in the Bank’s panel of vendors for supply of Cleaning Materials. 2. The panel will remain valid for the period from April 01, 2025 till March 31, 2028, subject to satisfactory performance and annual review. The vendors who are currently empanelled or those who had applied earlier but could not get empanelled, may also apply afresh for re-empanelment. 3. Documents containing detailed eligibility criteria, terms & conditions, application form and declaration are enclosed. The same can also be downloaded from Bank’s website or or can also be obtained from Enquiry Desk, Porta Cabin, Reserve Bank of India, Patna between 10:30 hours to 16:00 hours on all working days (Monday to Friday). 4. Applicants intending to apply will have to satisfy the Bank by furnishing documentary evidence in support of their possessing the required eligibility and in the event of their failure to do so, the Bank reserves the right to reject their applications. 5. The duly completed application forms superscribed “Empanelment of Vendors for Supply of Cleaning Materials – 2025-2028” and complete in all respects may be submitted in sealed covers, addressed to The Regional Director, Human Resource Management Department, Reserve Bank of India, South Gandhi Maidan, Patna – 800 001, not later than 16:00 hours on March 17, 2025. Applicants are advised to submit duly completed application form and declaration along with copies of supporting documents. They are also advised to put signature and stamp on each page of the documents. 6. The Bank reserves the right to accept either in full or part of the applications. The Bank also reserves the right to reject any or all applications for being included in its approved list without assigning any reasons thereof. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India Patna |