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Date : Feb 21, 2025
Renovation of Staircase Flooring Area, at Main Office Building, RBI Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Reserve Bank of India, Bhubaneswar invites e-tenders for the captioned work from Bank’s empaneled vendors/contractors under the said category of the work costing 2-10 Lakh. The tendering would be done through the e-Tendering portal of MSTC Ltd ( All interested empaneled vendors /contractors must register themselves with MSTC Ltd through the above-mentioned website to participate in the tendering process.

1. The tender document along with all the requisite declarations, documents & annexures should be signed and uploaded in the Part-I of the tender. Part-II of the tender will contain no conditions but Contractor’s Price Bid, Bank's Schedule of quantities, tender drawings, if any, only

2. Part-I of the tenders will be submitted by the Contractors in MSTC portal. The same will be opened by RBI on March 11, 2025, at 14:30 Hrs. Those contractors who would like to depute their representatives, may depute their representatives to Estate Department, Reserve Bank of India, 2nd Floor, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Bhubaneswar 751001 for the same. Part II of the tender will be opened later. Due intimations will be given for the same.

3. The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the tenders without assigning any reason there for.

4. Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Bhubaneswar, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids without assigning any reasons and also reserves the right to relax any of the terms and conditions. No Contractor shall have any cause of action or claim against the RBI for rejection of his Bid.

The Schedule of e-Tender is as follows:

a. e-Tender no RBI/Bhubaneswar Regional Office/Estate/39/24-25/ET/972
b. Mode of Tender e-Procurement System
(Online Part I - Techno-Commercial Bid and Part II - Price Bid through
c. Estimated Amount of the Work ₹8,40,000/- (including GST)
d. Date of NIT available to parties to download (Notice for Inviting Tender) February 21, 2025 from 18:00 Hrs.
e. Pre-Bid meeting March 03, 2025 at 11:00 Hrs.
f. Date of placing minutes of the pre-bid meeting on RBI website March 04, 2025
g. Date of Starting of e-Tender for submission of online Techno-Commercial Bid and price Bid at March 04, 2025 from 14:00 Hrs.
h. Date of closing of online e-tender for submission of Techno-Commercial Bid & Price Bid March 11, 2025 up to 14:00 Hrs.
i. Date & time of opening of Part-I (i.e., Technical Bid)

Part-II Price Bid: Date of opening of Part II i.e., price bid shall be informed separately
March 11, 2025 at 14:30 Hrs.
j. Validity of the tender 90 days from the date of opening of Techno–Commercial bid
k. Time for Completion 45 days after the 10th date of issue of work order
l. Transaction Fee As charged by MSTC ltd. Payment of transaction fees will be paid online through MSTC payment gateway.

Amendments / Corrigendum to the tender, if any, issued in future will only be notified on the RBI Website and MSTC Website as given above and will not be published in the newspaper. As this is an E-tender, the rates shall be submitted only in online mode and not to mention the rates on any other documents, otherwise the bid shall be rejected.

This notice is being published for information only and is not an open invitation to quote in this limited tender. Participation in this tender is by invitation only and is limited to the selected Procuring Entity’s enlisted contractors. Unsolicited offers are liable to be ignored. However, contractors who desire to participate in such tenders in future may apply for enlistment with RBI as per procedure.
