E-tender No.- RBI/Jammu Regional office/HRMD/3/24-25/ET/978 In response to the Bank's advertisement for empanelment of chemists published in Daily Excelsior, Amar Ujala and Taskeen on January 19, 2024, a panel of two suppliers for period from April 01, 2024 – March 31, 2027 viz. M/s Janak Medical Agencies and M/s A New Medicate who have fulfilled the eligibility criteria and agreed to all the terms and conditions specified in Notice for Empanelment document, has been prepared. We now invite quotations from the Empaneled chemists/ druggists/stockists for award of Annual Contract (AC) for supply of medicines to Bank’s Dispensaries at office and staff quarters. The estimated expenditure for the year 2025-26 is ₹62.00 lakhs. Tenderers are requested to quote the best uniform discount rate for the tentative annual purchase of medicines/drugs/medical items as per list enclosed at Annexure I. Your offer should be made in the Financial Bid format in Annexure IV of this e-tender. The tendering would be done through the e-Tendering portal of MSTC Ltd. (https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprocn/). The Empaneled chemists/ druggists/ stockists must register themselves with MSTC Ltd. through the above-mentioned website to participate in the tendering process. The tenderers should submit their discount rate through e-tendering 13:00 hrs. on March 11, 2025. Price bids of the tenderers will be opened on March 11, 2025 at 16:00 hrs. In the event of any date indicated above being declared a holiday, the next working day shall become operative for the respective purpose mentioned herein. Tender document can be downloaded from Bank’s website www.rbi.org.in and www.mstcecommerce.com. Any amendment(s) / corrigendum / clarifications with respect to this tender shall be uploaded on the website / e-portal only. The tenderer should regularly check the above website / e-portal for any amendment / corrigendum / on the above website. The Bank reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India February 25, 2025 | |