The Pre-bid meeting for the captioned tender (Tender No. RBI/Bhopal Regional Office/HRMD/3/24-25/ET/938) was held at 11:00 AM on February 25, 2025 at 3rd Floor, Conference room, Reserve Bank of India, Bhopal. The following staff members of RBI Bhopal and firms/prospective tenderers were present during the pre-bid meeting: (a) List of staff members: Sr. No | Name and Designation of the staff members | 1 | Shri Gaurav Rawat, Manager, HRMD | 2 | Shri Dinesh Moolchandani, Assistant Manager, HRMD | 3 | Shri Hardik Prajapati, Assistant Manager, HRMD | 4 | Shri Piyush Gadling, Assistant Manager, HRMD | 5 | Shri Atul Aswal, Senior Assistant, HRMD | (b) Representatives from the Company/ Individual/ Firm/ Contractor: Sr. No | Name of the Company/ Individual/ Firm/ Contractor | 1 | Shri Ravi Ramaswamy, M/s 7FS Eco Tech Ventures, Bhopal | 2. The queries raised during the meeting and the replies thereto are as under: Sr. No. | Queries | Explanation | 1 | Whether the vending machines must compulsorily contain a separate boiling chamber. | The separate boiling chamber in the vending machine is not a compulsory requirement. | 2 | Are MSME exempt from depositing EMD while submitting the tender. | Micro and Small Enterprises having Udyam Registration Number (Udyog Aadhar Memorandum Number) irrespective of category, are exempted from payment of EMD for all the procurements (goods, services or work contracts) having an estimated cost of up to ₹10 Lakh. | 3 | Please specify the minimum percentage of fresh milk required in each cup of tea and coffee. | Minimum 75 ml of single toned milk per cup of milk tea. Minimum 120 ml single toned milk and minimum 8gm of coffee per cup of milk coffee/black coffee. | 4 | Confirm the total number of machines required across all locations | Total five tea/coffee vending machines are required for the purpose. | 5 | Please provide the approved brands of milk that bidders may use | As mentioned in para 1.6 (VI) of Section V.2 of the tender document. | 6 | Whether the bidder will be responsible for mandatory ESIC (Employees' State Insurance Corporation) contributions for all manpower engaged in this contract. | Applicable as per statutory law/acts/rules and regulation in force. | 3. a. The minutes of the pre-bid meeting shall form a part of the tender document. Accordingly, the same shall be signed and uploaded on MSTC along with the tender by the tenderers. b. All other terms and conditions and specifications as mentioned in the tender document shall continue to remain the same. c. The above clarifications are issued for the information of all the intending bidders. d. The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity with the bid document and minutes of the pre-bid meeting. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India, Bhopal | |