Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting E-tender No. - RBI/HRMD-CO Central Office Departments/Others/9/24-25/ET/845 Please refer to the RFP notice for the captioned work published on the RBI Website on January 30, 2025 inviting application from bidders, through e-tender on MSTC Portal (https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprocn/). 2. In this connection, it is hereby informed that the tender has been modified as below: I. Section VII: Bid Evaluation Criteria (BEC) Clause in tender document | Existing Instruction | Revised Instruction | Clause II of para 2 of section VII on page no. 28 to 29 | II. Evaluation of Financial Proposal: In the second stage, the financial evaluation will be carried out as per this Clause. After opening and evaluating the Financial Proposals of technically qualified bidders, a final combined score is arrived based on predefined relative weightage. The proposal with the highest weighted combined score (quality and cost) shall be selected. The individual bidders’s commercial score(CS) are normalized as per the formula below: Fn= Fmin/Fb*100(rounded off to 2 decimal places) Where, Fn=Normalised commercial score for the Bidder under consideration Fb=Absolute financial quote for the Bidder under consideration Fmin= Minimum absolute financial quote (Lowest quote-L1) Ts= Technical Score Composite Score(S)= Ts*0.60+Fn*0.40 The Bidder with the highest Composite Score (S) would be awarded the contract (Weightage for Technical Score=60% &Weightage for Cost=40%) The first ranked Applicant (having the highest Composite Score) will be declared successful & shall be recommended for award of the Contract. The second ranked Applicant shall be kept in reserve and may be invited for negotiations in case the first ranked Applicant withdraws or fails to comply with the requirements. | II. Evaluation of Financial Proposal: Price bids of only the Technically qualified bidders (with a score of minimum 60 marks in technical evaluation) shall be opened. Bidders with lowest price (Total charges of price bid, Annexure VI) quoted will be selected as the L1 party. Negotiation may also be carried out with L1 party. The second lowest bidder shall be kept in reserve and may be invited for negotiations in case the L1 party withdraws or fails to comply with the requirements. | Technical evaluation parameter at Sr. no. 6 of Clause I of para 2 of section VII on page no. 28 | “Number of years of experience as POP as on December 31, 2014” | “Number of years of experience as POP as on December 31, 2024” | Para 3 of section VII on page no. 29 | In case, Composite Score of two (2) or more bidders are exactly same, then the bidder scoring high on Technical Score would be considered as the successful bidder. In case, after Total score of two (2) or more bidder being exactly same, and the Technical score of those bidders also being exactly same, then the successful bidder will be determined considering bidder with maximum number of corporates each having a minimum subscriber base of 2000 or more. If there is a tie again, then the POP having more PSU and PSE (Central and State) accounts will be selected. | In case of tie in the Price quoted by the bidders, determination of successful bidder will be done considering bidder with highest total marks scored in the Technical evaluation. In case of further tie in the total marks scored in the Technical evaluation, successful bidder will be determined considering bidder with maximum number of corporates each having a minimum subscriber base of 2000 or more, as on December 31, 2024. If there is a tie again, successful bidder will be determined considering bidder with maximum PSU and PSE (Central and State) accounts as on December 31, 2024. | II. Sub clause (c) of Clause 4 of Section III on page no. 12 is deleted. The numbering of the remaining sub-clauses in clause 4 is adjusted accordingly. Consequently, the revised format of Annexure II is enclosed. III. Accordingly, format for Bidder Self-Assessment on Technical Parameter is revised. The revised format is enclosed as Annexure III. IV. The Price Bid format has been modified. The revised format is enclosed as Annexure VI. V. The last date for submission of bids has been extended to March 16, 2025 (18:00 hrs). Accordingly, following clause in the tender has been modified as below: Section II. Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) Task | Existing date | Revised Date | Date & time of closing of online e-Tender for submission of online Technical and Financial Bid | March 02, 2025 at 18:00 hrs | March 16, 2025 at 18:00 hrs | Date & time of opening of Part I (Technical Bid) | March 03, 2025 at 11:00hrs | March 17, 2025 at 15:00hrs | Note (at sl. no. 2 on Page no. 9) | The bidders shall submit their tenders online on or before March 02, 2025 at 1800 hrs | The bidders shall submit their tenders online on or before March 16, 2025 at 1800 hrs | Accordingly, EMD can be submitted up to 1800 hrs on March 16, 2025. 3. All other terms and conditions of the RFP will remain unchanged. The Bidders are requested to submit the bid after taking into account the modifications given in corrigendum. | |