RBI/Delhi Regional Office/Others/1/24-25/ET/896[AMC and FMS] The ‘Pre-Bid Meeting’ for the captioned tender was conducted as per schedule at 1100 HRS, on March 03, 2025 at Executive Conference Room, 1st Floor, Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi. The following staff members of RBI and representatives of the prospective bidders were present during the pre-bid meeting: Sl. No. | Name and designation of the RBI officials | 1. | Shri. Bhanu Pratap Singh, Assistant General Manager (DIT) | 2. | Shri. Ankit Bhardwaj, Manager (DIT) | Sl. No. | Name of the prospective bidders | Name of the representative | 1. | M/s Vserv Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. | Shri RB Joshi | 2. | M/s Bharat IT Services | Shri Vishal Kumar | 3. | Brisk Infotech Solutions | Shri Virender Sharma | 4. | M/s Kaizen IT Services | Shri Dilip Kumar Sen | 5. | M/s Module Informatics Pvt Ltd | Shri Niladri Chakraborti and Shri Mahendra Negi | 6. | M/s Inca Infotech | Shri Vivinjay Jha | 7. | M/s Aforeserve.com | Shri Subodh Singh | The following queries / issues were raised / discussed during the pre-bid meeting. The clarifications given by the Bank with respect to each of these queries / issues are as follows: Sl. No. | Query by participants | Bank’s Clarification | 1 | In respect with REs wages, half-yearly revision of wages to be considered as per the CLC or only the indexation formula to be factored? And who will pay the revision of the wages? Need to discuss | The Successful bidder is responsible for payment of wages to its employees which should not be less than the minimum wages as specified in the extant Central Minimum Wages notification issued by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner (C)), under Category ‘CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE OF ROADS OR RUNWAYS OR IN BUILDING OPERATIONS’ – Area A, for the respective categories. | 2 | In case of any variation on rates of taxes and /or introduction of any new taxes - It should be considered by the Bank. | The Bank shall consider any variation on rates of taxes and /or introduction of any new taxes during the contract period. | 3 | The Bank reserves the right to sub-divide the work mentioned in the tender, amongst two or more tenderers at its own discretion and vendors will have to execute orders for part of the items placed with them at the quoted rates for various items. Pls. explain. Its seems not appropriate with AMC/FMS contract. | Corrigendum has been issued in this regard. The clause may be read as: In case of two or more tenderers becoming lowest bidders, i.e. quoting the same amount, Bank reserves the right to obtain discount on already quoted amount in sealed envelope from such tenderers and lowest among the revised quoted rates received would be considered as L-1. | 4 | The Vendor shall ensure that malfunctioning of hardware, accessories, operating systems, systems software (if any) is rectified within twenty-four hours of lodging the complaint by the Bank, failing which the vendor shall provide, at its own cost, requisite hardware/software to ensure business continuity The scope related to software should be limited to install/re-installation only for standard software – Bank shall provide these software. For third party need to discuss. | For this particular clause, the software shall be provided by the Bank. | 5 | Data Erasure - The bidder shall procure at its own cost and use standard data erasure software which should be compliant with global data erasure/wiping standard and generates a certificate of destruction to verify data erasure. Further, the bidder shall use only licensed version of such software/s. Pls. advise acceptable list of software/s. | The vendor shall have to procure the required software as per the terms and conditions of the tender/contract. | 6 | The Vendor shall be responsible for recovery of data, free of cost, in case of Hard Disk crash of any computer systems/laptop under AMC. The defective HDDs requiring replacement will not be handed over to the vendor or will be handed over only after crushing/damaging them. This term is self-contradictory. Need to discuss. | The Vendor shall be responsible for recovery of data, free of cost (within the office premises) in case of Hard Disk crash of any computer systems/laptop under AMC. In case of any peculiar circumstances where data retrieval is not possible even after deploying reasonable technical efforts, then the matter may be assessed based on facts of the case. | 7 | Mode of Payment of EMD Note: There is no exemption for bidders pertaining to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) or Start-ups category as defined and recognized by the Government of India as the estimated tender cost is more than ₹10 Lakh. As per the public procurement policy, MSEs are exempted for EMD beyond such condition, hence requested to give exemption for MSEs. | All bidders shall have to deposit ₹66,000/- (Rupees Sixty-Six Thousand only) as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). | 8 | Name of the existing ticketing tools being used for tracking user complaint and SLA tracking. | The bank uses an in-House portal – Suvidha for call logging and tracking. In addition to this, the calls are also received on telephone and email. The same shall be recorded manually in a register. The vendor would be required to maintain a physical/ soft copy of the calls logged along with the time taken to resolve the same. | 9 | Kindly provide the list of IT Assets. | For detailed information on the make, model and age of the Assets, bidders may send an email to ditnewdelhi@rbi.org.in to request the same. | Corrigendum: S. No. | Section | Existing Clause | Revised Clause | 1. | Para 24 of Section IV - General Instructions to Bidders/Vendor and Special Conditions of Contract | The Bank reserves the right to sub-divide the work mentioned in the tender, amongst two or more tenderers at its own discretion and vendors will have to execute orders for part of the items placed with them at the quoted rates for various items. | In case of two or more tenderers becoming lowest bidders, i.e. quoting the same amount, Bank reserves the right to obtain discount on already quoted amount in sealed envelope from such tenderers and lowest among the revised quoted rates received would be considered as L-1. | All the other terms and conditions mentioned in the tender document remain unchanged. The Bidders are requested to submit the bid after considering the modifications given in corrigendum. | |