Addendum E-Tender No: RBI/DoS-CO Central Office Departments/Others/2/24-25/ET/922[Supply of 5 High End Desktops] The captioned e-Tender was published on February 13, 2025, on RBI website and MSTC Portal (RBI/DoS-CO Central Office Departments/Others/2/24-25/ET/922[Supply of 5 High End Desktops]). The Pre-bid meeting was held on February 20, 2025, at 03:00 PM over Webex to clarify the queries of the intending bidders. The list of prospective bidders and RBI Officers who attended the meeting is given in Annex I. 2. Following are queries raised by the participating vendors during the meeting vis-à-vis the clarification given by the Bank officials as given below: - Sl no | Query raised by representatives | Name of Vendor | Clarification by RBI | 1 | Please confirm if bidder can submit the EMD via NEFT or DD format for the said RFP? | M/s Dixit Infotech Services Pvt Ltd. | As per the tender document, EMD is to be paid by way of Bank Guarantee (BG). However, for any changes in NIT, please refer to Addendum in this regard. | 2 | Please help us with final quantity of High-End desktop? | M/s Dixit Infotech Services Pvt Ltd. | As per the tender document, quantity of High-End desktops to be supplied is 5 in number. | 3 | Whether specific make or model is required of High-end workstation for data science work? | M/s Dixit Infotech Services Pvt Ltd. | Bidders are suggested to refer to the tender document. No specific make or model is suggested in the tender document. | 4 | Please confirm if make should be Make in India or Non-Make in India model can be suggested? | M/s Dixit Infotech Services Pvt Ltd. | 5 | Considering the requirements for High End workstation, order will be B2B to OEM. Department is requested to amend the delivery period to 6 weeks | M/s Dixit Infotech Services Pvt Ltd. and M/s Rohra Computer products Pvt Ltd. | For any changes in NIT in this regard, please refer to Addendum. | 6 | Can vendor provide built to order customised system (assembled) with all branded and OEM warranty products? | M/s Rohra Computer products Pvt Ltd. | No. As per NIT, High-end Desktops must be treated as a single complete product, and warranty required is for entire product as a single unit. | 7 | With respect to technical requirements for secondary storage - HDD (expandable upto 8 storage slots) mentioned in the document, we can only provide 3 expansion slots for 3.5 SATA drive | M/s CDP India Pvt Ltd. | For changes in NIT in this regard, please refer to Addendum. | 8 | S. No. 8 of NIT – Primary storage – Some OEMs provide only 6 additional slots. Please consider it. | M/s CDP India Pvt Ltd. | For changes in NIT in this regard, please refer to Addendum. | 9 | With respect to technical requirements for Foxconn Wi-Fi 6E mentioned in the document, we can provide Intel Wi-Fi 6E as OEM does not use Foxconn card. | M/s CDP India Pvt Ltd. | For changes in NIT in this regard, please refer to Addendum. | 10 | With respect to technical requirements for Intel Ethernet Serve Adapter I350-T4 mentioned in the document, we would like to inform that it might be going out of life soon | M/s CDP India Pvt Ltd. | It is learnt in the meeting, since end-of life has not been declared by the respective OEM of the product so far, bidders were requested to submit any such claim from the OEM eod of Monday (February 24, 2025) for our consideration. As we have not received the same from any of the bidder, the requirement as per NIT remains valid. | The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks. Annex I List of Prospective Bidders Attended Pre-Bid Meeting on February 20, 2025 | Sl. No | Name of the firm | Name of representative | 1 | M/s Nexus Computers Pvt Ltd. | Ms Deepti Sareen | 2 | M/s Rohra Computer products Pvt Ltd | Shri Mahesh H Rohra Ms Sonia Rohra | 3 | M/s Dixit Infotech Services Pvt Ltd. | Shri Aaryan Khan Shri Anoop Saxena | 4 | M/s Gray Technologies Pvt Ltd. | Ms Shilpa | 5 | M/s CDP India Pvt Ltd. | Shri Hitesh Motwani | 6 | M/s Pentagon system and services Pvt Ltd. | Shri Rajnath Saroj | 7 | M/s Ashtech Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. | Ms Akshita Dodia Ms Sarika Hatiskar | 8 | M/s Team Computers Pvt. Ltd. | Ms Kalpana Yadav | 9 | M/s Inmac Computers Pvt Ltd. | Shri Surajit Chakraborty | List of RBI Officers Attended Pre-Bid Meeting | Sl. No | Name, Designation and Division | 1 | Shri Yogesh Kumar Gupta, General Manager, MDAG | 2 | Shri Nitin Chavda, Assistant General Manager, MDAG | 3 | Ms. Pallerla Vidya Sree, Manager, IT Cell | 4 | Shri Yash Pramod Thakur, Manager, MDAG | | |