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Date : Mar 04, 2025
Addendum - Supply of Five High-end Desktops at Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai

Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting

A reference is invited to the event no: RBI/DoS-CO Central Office Departments/Others/2/24-25/ET/922[Supply of 5 High End Desktops] for the captioned tender. In this context, please note, the following changes have been made in tender document uploaded on Bank’s website and MSTC portal in the captioned e-tender:

Para no Clause as per NIT Revised clause
2 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

₹2,10,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Ten Thousand only) to be paid by way of Bank Guarantee (BG) at the address for Communication given below.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

₹2,10,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Ten Thousand only) to be paid by way of Bank Guarantee (BG) at the address for Communication given below or through NEFT payment in favour of Reserve Bank of India, A/c No. 41869229908, IFSC CODE: RBIS0COD001 (5th, 9th and 10th characters are ZERO) Kindly mention UTR transaction details as per the format given in Annexure, or through issuance of DD in favour of Reserve Bank of India.
3 Delivery and Installation:

The delivery of the products at RBI location shall be completed within 04 weeks from the date of placement of purchase order and complete the installation of hardware and software and operationalize the purchased unit within 01 weeks from date of delivery.
Delivery and Installation:

The delivery of the products at RBI location shall be completed within 06 weeks from the date of placement of purchase order and complete the installation of hardware and software and operationalize the purchased unit within 01 weeks from date of delivery.
Para 6.1 S. No. 2 in the Table

EMD in the form of Valid Bank Guarantee
S. No. 2 in the Table

EMD in the form of Valid Bank Guarantee, or through NEFT, or through DD.
7 Earnest Money Deposits (EMD)

Bidders should submit an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ₹2,10,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Ten Thousand only) in the form of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee from a Scheduled Bank, as per the format in Annex IV, payable to the Reserve Bank of India, Department of Supervision, Central Office, Mumbai. The original hardcopy of the EMD must be received before the opening of technical bids. The EMD shall remain valid for six months from the bid submission deadline, with no interest paid by RBI. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within a month, while the EMD of the shortlisted bidder will be returned upon submission of the Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG).
Earnest Money Deposits (EMD)

Bidders should submit an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ₹2,10,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Ten Thousand only) in the form of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee from a Scheduled Bank, as per the format in Annex IV, payable to the Reserve Bank of India, Department of Supervision, Central Office, Mumbai. Alternatively, bidder can submit EMD through a DD in the favour of the Reserve Bank of India, or through NEFT payment in favour of Reserve Bank of India, A/c No. 41869229908, IFSC CODE: RBIS0COD001 (5th, 9th and 10th characters are ZERO). Kindly mention UTR transaction details as per the format given in Annexure. The original hardcopy of the EMD (Bank guarantee/ DD/ NEFT details) must be received before the opening of technical bids. The EMD shall remain valid for six months from the bid submission deadline, with no interest paid by RBI. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within a month, while the EMD of the shortlisted bidder will be returned upon submission of the Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG).
Annex I
(S. No. 8)
Primary Storage:

4 TB SSD M.2 Pcle Gen 4 NVMe + 4 TB SSD M.2 Pcle Gen 4 NVMe (Expandable up to 8 storage slots supporting 4TB SSDs of same type)
Primary Storage:

4 TB SSD M.2 Pcle Gen 4 NVMe + 4 TB SSD M.2 Pcle Gen 4 NVMe (Expandable up to 6 storage slots supporting minimum 4TB SSDs of same type)
Annex I
(S. No. 9)
Secondary Storage:

12 TB HDD 7200 rpm 3.5’’ SATA (Expandable up to 8 storage slots)
Secondary Storage:

12 TB HDD 7200 rpm 3.5’’ SATA (with additional 3 to 8 slots for future expansion up to 16 TB)
Annex I
(S. No.10)
Power Supply

750W-1100 W
Power Supply

As recommended by OEM for their configuration in high-end desktop.
Annex I
(S. No.11)

Intel Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T4 Foxconn RZ616 WiFi 6E 2x2 AX

Intel Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T4 RZ616 WiFi 6E 2x2 AX of any reputed brand (Intel/ Foxconn, MediaTek, etc.)
2 Bid Closing Date:

March 05, 2025, 15:00 Hrs
Bid Closing Date:

March 19, 2025, 16:00 Hrs
2 Date and Time of Technical Bid Opening (in person or over WebEx):

March 05, 2025, 16:00 Hrs
Date and Time of Technical Bid Opening (in person or over WebEx):

March 19, 2025, 16:00 Hrs
2 Tentative Date and Time of Commercial Bid Opening (in person or over WebEx):

March 11, 2025, 12:00 Noon
Tentative Date and Time of Commercial Bid Opening (in person or over WebEx):

March 26, 2025, 12:00 Noon

2. Bidders are requested to use the above addendum while submitting their financial bids.

3. These addendum and minutes of pre-bid meeting shall form the part of the tender document/Agreement and the same is uploaded on RBI website. Hence, it shall be signed and submitted along with the tender by the bidders.

4. All other terms, conditions and specifications of the tender document shall continue to remain the same.

5. The above clarifications are issued for the information of all the intending bidders.

6. The submission of bid by the firm(s) shall be construed to be in conformity to the tender document and clarifications / amendments given above.

7. In case any vendors have already submitted their bids before issuance of this addendum, they are advised to revise their bids (if required) and re-submit the revised Financial Bid before the submission deadline.

The CGM-In-Charge
Department of Supervision, Central Office
Reserve Bank of India

Annexure - UTR Transaction Details for EMD

S.N. Requirements Details
1 Name of the vendor  
2 Name of the Bank  
3 Account No.  
4 IFSC  
5 UTR details  
6 Date of Payment  
