E-Tender No.: RBI/Thiruvananthapuram/HRMD/5/24-25/ET/895 The Pre-Bid meeting for the captioned tender was held on March 03, 2025 from 11.00 hours to 12.00 hours at the Conference Room (2nd floor), Reserve Bank of India, Thiruvananthapuram. Officials from Human Resource Management Department and representatives of various prospective bidders participated in the meeting. Shri Haridas.P.G, Assistant General Manager, welcomed all the participants (list as per Annexure) to the meeting and invited queries, if any, from the prospective bidders regarding the captioned tender. The queries raised by the intending bidder & clarifications given by the Bank’s officials are tabulated below: No | Query / Clarification | Remarks / Comments / Corrections | 1 | What are the infrastructure provided by the Bank? | Para ‘5.1.A.12 & 5.1.A.12’ of the tender document may be referred to. The infrastructure to be provided by the Bank broadly includes Pantry along with cooking utensils and water, Dining area with tables, chairs, refrigerator, dish washer etc. The service provider shall be provided with a kitchen with electricity connection and water connection at Bank’s premises located at RBI, Thiruvananthapuram. Electricity charges in the kitchen, dining area and water charges will be borne by the Bank. | 2 | How many persons does the Staff Canteen cater to? | The indicative figures of consumption of items can be found out under the head “Estimated Annual Quantity based on past consumption” in Proforma of Financial Bid section of Part-II FINANCIAL BID in the E-Tender document. | 3 | Whether the rates quoted in the financial bid should be inclusive of GST? | Para ‘3.23’ of the tender document may be referred to. The rates quoted shall be exclusive of GST for all items, except for those items to be served from / at staff canteen. However, applicable GST will automatically be applied over the rates quoted for all items (except for items to be served from Staff Canteen) and the same can be viewed by the bidders real-time. i.e. only for the items to be served from / at staff canteen, the rates to be quoted shall be inclusive of GST. | 4 | What is the mode of payment for dishes served in OLDR and canteen? | Mode of payment a) In respect of canteen: Para ‘5.1.D.3’ of the tender document may be referred to. The contractor shall provide infrastructure for electronic payment viz. POS, Sodexo card machine. The contractor shall accept Sodexo EMC/coupon along with debit card/credit card/cash against the breakfast/lunch/snacks items served to the Bank’s staff, by him. The contractor will claim the amount against Sodexo EMCs/coupons directly from the Sodexo SVC India Pvt Ltd. The Bank shall not be responsible for any claims, in this regard. The Bank shall not give any subsidy to the caterers. b) In respect of OLDR: Para ‘4.8’ of the tender document may be referred to. The caterer shall affiliate with M/s. Sodexo SVC India Pvt. Ltd. and serve food items against Sodexo meal pass/card. The caterer shall also accept cash, credit / debit cards. Officers utilizing the OLDR facility will individually pay upfront an amount of ₹140.00 on daily basis (or such amount as may be fixed by the Bank from time to time) and the difference between the contract’s quoted rate and ₹140.00 will be paid by the Bank, monthly, upon submission of related invoices, proper records (a register with record of the names of officers utilizing the facility indicating the mode of payment with acknowledgement) and monthly account statement. | 5 | Whether service charge component will be increased based on the increase notified by Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Ministry of Labour & Employment from time to time with i.e. effective from 1st April and 1st October every year | Para ‘4.2’ of the tender document may be referred to Minimum wages and / or Variable Dearness Allowance will be revised by Government of India as per the Notification issued by the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Ministry of Labour & Employment from time to time with i.e. effective from 1st April and 1st October every year, and the bidders shall keep in mind the latest structure as well as possible escalations in future while offering rates. While quoting rates, the bidder shall keep in mind the existing rates and the possible escalation in wages and associated components. The Caterer shall ensure that the wages paid to the employees shall not be below the minimum wages as revised from time to time by Government of India. The rates quoted by the bidder shall be final and no escalation would be made by the Bank during the currency of contract. | Shri Haridas.P.G, Assistant General Manager thanked all participants for attending the meeting. The Meeting came to an end at 11.55 hours. Please note: -
This document (minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting) shall form a part of the tender. -
(Rest of the terms and conditions and specifications of the bid document shall continue to remain the same. -
The above amendments/ clarifications are issued for the information of all the intending bidders. -
The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the bid document and amendments/ clarifications given above. Regional Director for Kerala and Lakshadweep Annexure List of Participants SL No. | Name of the Service Provider | Name (s) of the Representative | 1 | M/s Somarajan.K.S | Shri Somarajan.K.S | 2 | M/s Amma Catering | Shri Santhosh Kumar | | |