Corrigendum E-tender No.: RBI/Kochi Regional Office/Estate/16/24-25/ET/936 A pre-bid meeting on the captioned tender was held on March 03, 2025, at 11:00 AM in the conference room (3rd floor), Reserve Bank of India, Kochi. The following RBI officials and the representatives of the following intending bidders / firms attended it: a. RBI Officials: -
Smt. Radhee Krishna, AGM -
Shri. Pavankumar P Nayak, AM -
Shri. Vishnu P S, Assistant b. Representatives of the intending Bidders / Firms: Name of the firm | Name(s) of representatives | M/s Scenic Holidays | i. Prajith K D ii. Umesh S | 2. The queries raised by the intending bidder & clarifications given by the Bank’s officials are tabulated below: Sl. No. | Query | Comment | 1 | Whether the bids could be submitted on GeM (Government e-Marketplace) portal? | The bids shall only be submitted on the e-Tendering portal of MSTC E-Commerce portal ( | 2 | Is there any exemption from payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)? | There is no exemption from payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). EMD amount of ₹70,000/- (₹ Seventy thousand only) (2% of estimated cost) has to be remitted by the bidder via NEFT only, to the Beneficiary Account Number: 186003001 with Beneficiary IFSC: RBIS0KCPA01, Beneficiary Name: KOCHIHRMDBidder’s name and Remarks: CAR RBI KOCHI on or before 2 PM of March 12, 2025. | 3 | Please clarify whether the Registration under the Shops and Establishments Act is mandatory. | The Sl. No.5 under Para 2.1, Page 15 of the tender document, stands amended in the following way. Qualification / Eligibility criteria (Description) | Documents required to be uploaded in the MSTC portal to establish compliance to Qualification / Eligibility criteria (MANDATORY) | Should have i) necessary license / certification to run Tours and Travel services, and ii) valid GST registration. | a) Copy of Certificate / license to run tours and travels services. b) Copy of valid GST registration certificate. | | 3. All the other terms and conditions of the captioned Tender will remain unchanged. A corrigendum is being issued in this regard. | |