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Date : Mar 05, 2025
Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting - Hiring of Cars by Reserve Bank of India, Ernakulam North, Kochi


E-tender No.: RBI/Kochi Regional Office/Estate/16/24-25/ET/936

A pre-bid meeting on the captioned tender was held on March 03, 2025, at 11:00 AM in the conference room (3rd floor), Reserve Bank of India, Kochi. The following RBI officials and the representatives of the following intending bidders / firms attended it:

a. RBI Officials:

  1. Smt. Radhee Krishna, AGM

  2. Shri. Pavankumar P Nayak, AM

  3. Shri. Vishnu P S, Assistant

b. Representatives of the intending Bidders / Firms:

Name of the firm Name(s) of representatives
M/s Scenic Holidays i. Prajith K D
ii. Umesh S

2. The queries raised by the intending bidder & clarifications given by the Bank’s officials are tabulated below:

Sl. No. Query Comment
1 Whether the bids could be submitted on GeM (Government e-Marketplace) portal? The bids shall only be submitted on the e-Tendering portal of MSTC E-Commerce portal (
2 Is there any exemption from payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)? There is no exemption from payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). EMD amount of ₹70,000/- (₹ Seventy thousand only) (2% of estimated cost) has to be remitted by the bidder via NEFT only, to the Beneficiary Account Number: 186003001 with Beneficiary IFSC: RBIS0KCPA01, Beneficiary Name: KOCHIHRMDBidder’s name and Remarks: CAR RBI KOCHI on or before 2 PM of March 12, 2025.
3 Please clarify whether the Registration under the Shops and Establishments Act is mandatory. The Sl. No.5 under Para 2.1, Page 15 of the tender document, stands amended in the following way.

Qualification / Eligibility criteria (Description)
Documents required to be uploaded in the MSTC portal to establish compliance to Qualification / Eligibility criteria
Should have i) necessary license / certification to run Tours and Travel services, and ii) valid GST registration. a) Copy of Certificate / license to run tours and travels services.

b) Copy of valid GST registration certificate.

3. All the other terms and conditions of the captioned Tender will remain unchanged. A corrigendum is being issued in this regard.
