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Date : Mar 05, 2025
Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting - Supply of sufficient number of fully covered closed cash vans/closed vehicles for transportation of coins from RBI, Chennai to various currency chests and other places in the State of Tamil Nadu and Union Territory of Puducherry under the cover of Bank Guarantee

(NIT Ref No: RBI/Chennai Regional office/Estate/51/24-25/ET/961)

The Pre-bid meeting in relation to the e-tendering for “Supply of sufficient number of fully covered Closed Vans/Closed Vehicles for Transportation of Coins from RBI, Chennai to various Currency Chests and other places in the State of Tamil Nadu and Union Territory of Puducherry under the cover of Bank Guarantee” was held on March 04, 2025 (Tuesday) at 11.00 AM in Issue Department, RBI Chennai. List of officials from Issue Department, Chennai and representatives from interested agencies who participated in the meeting are as below:

Representatives of the Issue Department Representatives of the Contractors
i. Shri N Shanmugaram, DGM

ii. Shri Sakthivel R, AGM

iii. Smt Shri Sakthi K M, AGM

iv. Smt Indu S, AM

v. Smt Meena K, Assistant
i. Shri Saravanan S and Smt E Tamilselvi, M/s Saravanan Transport and Travels

ii. Shri V Saran Kumar, M/s APP Transport and Travels

2. The clarifications sought by the representatives of the agencies during the meeting and the response provided thereof are as tabulated below:

Sl. No Clarifications sought by agencies Clarification given by the Bank
1 Whether Performance Bank Guarantee will be released without interest after three months of completion of the contract period? It was informed that as mentioned in Section-IV of the tender document under Performance Bank Guarantee, the Bank would release the Guarantee without interest after three months of completion of the contract period.
2 Whether insurance is to be taken for the coins being transported? It was informed that as per para (v) under ‘Duties of Contractor’ in the tender document, the contractor may arrange for insurance of the coins at his/ her own cost in consultation with the Bank.
3 Whether the number of trips mentioned in the tender is for one way or two ways? It was informed the number of trips mentioned in Part II indicates the estimated number of coin remittances for two years and as such it means one-way trips from RBI to various CCs. However, the agencies were advised to ensure availability of enough number of trucks to meet the needs of coin remittance.
4 Clarification on the vehicle specification and lease period for vehicles. It was informed that as mentioned in para (xiv) under ‘Duties of Contractor’ in the tender document, the vehicles supplied by the contractor shall be of less than 10 years old and must be roadworthy and in good condition. Further it was clarified that in case of leased vehicles, the lease of vehicles shall not expire during the period of contract.
5 Whether the rate to be quoted should be inclusive of GST? It was clarified that as per para (iii) under ‘Payment and Taxes’ in the tender document, the contract price shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, local levies, works contract tax, GST, or any other taxes as applicable imposed by Central / State Government / Local Bodies at extant rates.
6 What should be the capacity of the trucks? It was informed that as per Section IV of the tender document, the loading capacity of the truck shall be 9 Metric Tonnes.
7 Whether coin remittances are being sent to other states? If yes, the details of settling the bills. It was informed that remittances to other States / Union Territories (other than Tamil Nadu and Puducherry) are very rare and will be sent only in case of exigencies. In such instances, the actual amount incurred on expenses like other State Road Tax, Entrance Tax to other states etc., will be reimbursed by the Bank on production of original bills, in addition to the rates quoted under “Outstation” category. (Mentioned in Part II of the tender document.)
8 As the rate has to be quoted per km in case of outstation remittance, clarification was sought regarding how RBI would calculate the distance? It was clarified that as mentioned in Part II of the tender document, RBI calculates the distance between RBI and CCs using Google Maps.

On a concluding note, the participants were advised to read the instructions in the tender document carefully before bidding. It was also reiterated that the bidders should ensure submission of all the enclosures as stipulated in the tender documents. Further, it was also advised to strictly follow the timelines as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender.


  • The above minutes of pre-bid meeting shall form the part of bid document/Agreement.

  • The minutes are also uploaded on MSTC portal.

  • Rest of the Terms and Conditions and specifications of the tender document shall continue to remain same.

  • The above amendments/clarifications are issued for the information of all the intending bidders.

  • The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the tender document and amendments/clarifications given above.

Regional Director
Reserve Bank of India
