Reserve Bank of India, Panaji Regional Office invites competitive sealed bids for Third Party Inspection / Quality Audit Services (TPQA) for Construction of Office Building at Reserve Bank of India, Plot No.1, Patto Plaza, Panaji, Goa (Including Civil, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Fighting, Water Supply, Internal & External Development Work, Sanitary Installation, Sewerage System, Lifts, Substation Etc On Deposit Work Basis Through CPWD As Project Management Consultant). The bid is to be submitted through hard copy to be delivered at Reserve Bank of India, 7th Floor, Gera’s Imperium-II, Patto Plaza, Panaji – 403 001. For full details please refer Tender Document. Further corrigendum / addendum if any, will be hosted on the Bank’s website under the link ‘Tender’s. The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either full or in part of any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject any one or all of the tenders without assigning any reason, thereof. SCHEDULE OF TENDER (SOT) a. Mode of Tender | Competitive Sealed Bids | b. Tender Value | Rs.20 Lakhs (exclusive of applicable GST) | c. Date of NIT available to parties | 04/03/2025 | d. Pre-Bid meeting | 11/03/2025 AT 03:00 PM | e. Date of Starting of Tender for submission of Financial Bid (Start Bid Date & Time) | 03:00 PM on 04/03/2025 | f. Date of closing of tender for submission of Financial Bid (Close Bid Date & Time) | At 03:00 PM on 18/03/2025 | g. Opening of Financial Bid | 04:00 PM on 18/03/2025 | Note. This notice is being published for participation of government institution located in Goa. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India Panaji Regional Office | |