Please refer to the tender notice event No. E-Tender No: RBI/Chennai Regional office/Estate/57/24-25/ET/983 [Officer flat renovation at KKN] invited on the MSTC website on February 26, 2025 for the captioned work. In this connection, it is hereby informed that the last date for submission of bids has been extended up to 11:00 Hrs. on March 11, 2025. The Techno-Commercial Bid (Part-I) of the tender will be opened at 12:00 Hrs. on March 11, 2025. Price Bid (Part II) of the tender shall also be opened thereafter on the same day or else Part II Price Bid (Part II) shall be opened on a subsequent date which shall be intimated to the bidders. Please note that no further extension will be given for submission of this tender. All other terms and conditions mentioned in the tender remain unchanged. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India Chennai Date: 07-03-2025 | |