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Date : Mar 07, 2025
Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Centralized AC Plant System at Bank's Central Office Building RBI Fort, Mumbai

The Pre-bid meeting in connection with the e-tender for “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Central Air Conditioning Units at Bank’s Central Office Building, Fort, Mumbai” was held on March 06, 2025 (Thursday) at 11:30 AM in Premises Department, Central Office Building, Mumbai. List of officials from Premises Department and representatives from interested agencies who participated in the meeting are enclosed herewith.

The clarifications sought by the representatives of the agencies during the meeting and the response provided thereof are as tabulated below:

Sr No Suggestions / Queries raised by the firms Clarifications given by the Bank
1 In Design parameters fouling factor of Chiller and Condenser mentioned as 0.0001 MKS (0.0005 FPS) & 0.0002 MKS (0.001 FPS) respectively. This higher fouling factor is not required as Automatic tube cleaning system for condenser consider as per BOQ, so we can consider standard fouling factor as per AHRI guideline i.e. fouling factor of Chiller 0.0001 FPS (0.00002 MKS) and Condenser 0.00025 FPS (0.00005 MKS).
Please confirm.
It was clarified that the fouling factor as per latest AHRI standards is acceptable to the Bank.
2 Please confirm Single compressor in 350TR chiller. It was clarified to bidders the requirement is Multi compressor as per technical specifications, Section-VII, Part-I of the tender
3 BMS I/O Summary point no A (12): 1 no. Al point mentioned for 2 Header flow meter. 2 Al nos. points are required to handle 2 flowmeters It was clarified that 2 nos of AI points instead of 1 no is acceptable to the Bank.
4 BMS I/O Summary Point no B(4): Pump VFD Trip Status.

1. Kindly inform if Primary Pumps as Constant speed or VFD.

2. Will it be controlled by Pump Logic controller or by CPM.

3. If CPM need to control the Primary Pump VFD we need Water Differential pressure Sensor at farthest AHU location to control the Pump VFD.
1. It was clarified that the VFD control of pumps is not required.

2. The pumps shall be controlled by CPM integrated with BMS/SCADA.

3. The pumps shall not be provided with VFD, hence is not applicable
5 BMS I/O Summary Point No F(7): AHU VFD modulation

We need Air Pressure Sensor in duct to control the AHU VFD.
It was clarified that the bidders may refer BMS I/O summary, Section-VII, Part-I of the tender.
6 We request you to add below makes:

SENSORS-GREYSTONE, omicron, aerosense
Valves- (Butterfly, balancing, check valves, Y strainer, Suction Guide)-Leader, Sant, Honeywell, VTM, Castle
Pump-Ebara, Lubi
Chiller- Kehems, Climaveneta
It was clarified that the bidders may refer list of approved makes, Section-VIII, Part-I of the tender.
7 Please confirm in case of electrical panel for chiller, pump & cooling tower (CT), if any CPRI approved vendor is allowed. It was clarified that the existing LT Panel will be used for power supply to chillers/pumps/cooling towers. However, any modification in the existing panel as per offered system, if needed shall be in the Bank’s scope. The contractor shall provide the technical design parameters and data as per proposed system requirements. All the other accessories including cables, cable terminations, junction boxes to received power in chillers/pumps/cooling towers, lugs, etc. shall be borne by the contractor as mentioned in the tender.
8 Clause 3.20: Request to waive off the clause. Required drawings shall be submitted after the award of the project. It was clarified that the bidders may choose to submit Chiller Plant Layout plan and Sections, as at para 3.20(a)(1) after the award of work, but before the commencement of work for Bank’s approval, subject to undertaking to ensure carrying out the work within the site, such as space, height and offsets available, etc.

Other documents shall be submitted as mentioned in Clause 3.20, Section-III, Part-I of the tender.
9 Can OEM and channel partner both participate in this tender It was clarified that the bidders may refer clause 3.1, Section-III, Part-I of the tender.
10 The tenderer should be maintaining minimum two similar system for last two years as on or after January 31, 2023 in Mumbai and/or suburban area - For this What documents will be Required/Please mention Capacity/Size of Similar Type
11 PBG will be fixed for entire 13 years or will there be decrement in the value as ageing of system happens. It was clarified that the bidders may refer clause 3.13, Section-III, Part-I of the tender and no change is acceptable
12 Please explain the formulae for Service Contract and Operation Cost Renewal. It was clarified that the bidders may refer clause 3.35, Section-III, Part-I of the tender.
13 Need clarification on Minimum Base rate for Comprehensive AMC It was clarified that the bidders may refer clause 3.15 (f), Section-III, Part-I of the tender.
14 ASME and U Stamping on Evaporator and Condenser Required or Certificate for ASME of Factory will do. It was clarified that the bidders may refer clause 7.4 (e)(vii) and 7.4 (f)(a), Section-VII, Part-I of the tender
15 Payment terms may be modified It was clarified that the bidders may refer clause 3.37, Section-III, Part-I of the tender document.
16 Liasoning works for obtaining statutory approvals to be included in Bank’s Scope It was clarified that the bidders may refer clause 3.44, Section-III, Part-I of the tender and no change is acceptable.
17 Whether iron structure of cooling tower including iron columns and beams to be replaced It was clarified that the entire MS structure for cooling tower, i.e., base frame, beams, columns, stairs, platform, railing, etc. are to be replaced as per clause 7.8 (e), section-VII, part-I of tender.
18 Kindly extend the tender by 2 weeks Bank reviewed the same and the tender submission date is revised to April 02, 2025, up to 14:00 Hrs. Part-I of tender will be opened on same date at 15:00 hrs.
19 CTI certified cooling tower is required or not It is clarified that CTI certified cooling tower is required as per clause 7.8, Section-VII, Part-I of tender.

Note: 1. The intending participant was advised that no deviation in commercial terms and conditions will be accepted by the Bank and all other technical specifications should be strictly adhered to as per tender.

2. This document shall form part of the tender. Hence, shall be signed and submitted along with the tender by the tenderers.

The meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks to the participants.


List of participants for pre bid meeting

(a) List of Bank’s Officials who attended the meeting are as under:

1. Shri Ashutosh Singh Dy. General Manager (Tech)
2. Shri Hasanur Rahaman Asst. General Manager (Tech)
3. Shri Vivek P. Jumle Manager (Tech)
4. Shri Aditya Deshpande JE – Electrical
5. Shri Yogesh Prajapati JE – Electrical

(b) List of representatives of intending firms who attended the meeting are as follows.

Sl. No. Name of the firm Name of the representatives
1. M/s Pragmatic HVAC Engineers Shri. Akshay Balip
Shri. Zama Rizvi
2. M/s VAV Air Conditioning Shri. Dhaval More
Shri. Romil Dave
3. M/s ACME MEP Shri. Viraj Vartak
4. M/s Brite Industries Shri. Aqeeb Khan
Shri. Nadim Ansari
5. M/s Voltas Ltd Shri. Rehan Khan
Shri. Roshan Dsouza
6. M/s Bluestar Ltd. Shri. Anchal Shukla
7. M/s Escube Airconditioning Pvt Ltd. Shri. Mohamil Shaikh
8. M/s HV Air Conditioning Systems Pvt Ltd. Shri. Amit Gupta
