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Date : Dec 12, 1998
Institutional Framework (September 1997)

Table 1
Institutional Framework (September 1997)

Categorisation of No. of Institutions No. of Branches /
Institutions       Offices

A. Commercial Banks 300     63939  
Scheduled Commercial 298        
Regional Rural Banks 196   (*)    
Commercial Banks 2        
B. Co-operative Banks 2025        
State Co-operative Banks 29   (**)    
Central Co-operative Banks 367   (**)    
Primary Co-operative Banks          
(Urban Co-operative Banks) 1629   (***)    
Total 2325        
Central Bank 1     22  

Note : (*) It is included in the number of Scheduled Commercial Banks.
(**) As at the end of June, 1998.
(***) As at the end of December, 1997.
Source : Banking Statistics Quarterly Review, Reserve Bank of India.
