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Date : Jan 16, 2023
Statement 29: Expenditure on Wages and Salaries
(₹ Crore)
State/UT 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 (RE) 2022-23 (BE)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1. Andhra Pradesh 17,410.0 23,440.0 26,820.0 25,770.0 32,350.0 27,936.9 27,470.0 32,530.0 32,815.5 32,743.4 42,673.8 45,028.9 43,706.2 54,768.4
2. Arunachal Pradesh 2,040.0 2,230.0 4,434.6 4,701.8 5,425.4 5,576.3 7,762.8 7,717.6
3. Assam 11,650.0 13,540.0 17,580.0 18,480.0 19,500.0 26,067.4 26,177.8 27,008.3 27,227.1 32,102.2 38,162.9
4. Bihar 12,500.0 13,980.0 15,187.1 16,450.0 18,447.2 20,892.1 21,697.9 22,988.7 24,983.8 32,862.8
5. Chhattisgarh 11,140.0 6,410.0 7,440.0 7,690.0 9,140.0 10,003.3 10,860.0 11,420.0 13,183.8 17,426.9 21,350.7 24,438.9 26,140.2
6. Goa 2,130.0 2,827.2 2,798.5 2,918.1 3,571.7 3,808.9
7. Gujarat 10,250.0 15,870.0 17,460.0 18,640.0 20,950.0 22,070.0 23,530.0 28,186.0 30,572.0 31,845.0 32,680.0 34,563.0 38,020.0
8. Haryana 8,310.0 9,520.0 9,600.0 10,620.0 11,290.0 13,296.3 15,780.0 17,254.3 19,258.6 20,978.3 31,944.0 35,075.3 40,109.8
9. Himachal Pradesh 4,080.0 5,290.0 5,460.0 6,290.0   7,168.2 7,020.0 8,420.0 9,458.9 9,811.9 10,344.6 10,643.5 11,454.7 13,502.8
10. Jharkhand 5,450.0 6,260.0 6,450.0 6,770.0 7,620.0 8,220.0 8,930.0 10,789.7 12,138.0 13,206.7 13,306.8 16,184.4 17,530.3
11. Karnataka 10,300.0 11,090.0 11,540.0 16,080.0 17,810.0 19,737.0 21,490.0 21,500.0 22,847.0 31,800.0 42,744.9 43,769.0 51,860.0 55,617.0
12. Kerala 9,930.0 11,210.0 16,290.0 17,560.0 19,620.0 21,689.1 23,830.0 28,470.0 32,349.1 32,697.8 33,043.6 28,852.4 45,619.9 43,394.1
13. Madhya Pradesh 10,610.0 13,290.0 15,090.0 16,220.0 18,370.0 21,260.0 21,870.0 22,930.0 25,664.5 30,419.9 32,878.1 42,097.6 49,717.1
14. Maharashtra 41,290.0 42,050.0 45,800.0 53,710.0 60,140.0 62,565.2 72,080.0 75,769.5 80,206.0 1,01,980.4 1,06,613.3 1,21,657.4
15. Manipur 1,150.0 2,220.0 2,360.0 2,980.0 3,521.4 3,662.4 3,979.8 4,492.9 5,493.4 5,870.2
16. Meghalaya 1,490.0 1,640.0 3,890.0 3,444.7 4,638.0 4,843.6 3,382.4 3,917.1 4,254.3
17. Mizoram 1,430.0 2,410.0 2,326.2 3,536.0 4,141.5 4,088.7 4,567.7 4,412.1
18. Nagaland 1,490.0 2,080.0 2,300.0 1,670.0 3,810.0 4,105.3 4,842.7 5,249.8 5,581.2 6,107.3 7,090.5
19. Odisha 9,280.0 10,760.0 10,800.0 11,670.0 12,960.0 15,600.2 17,640.0 19,200.0 22,354.1 25,346.3 26,783.1 27,716.2 34,044.5 34,283.3
20. Punjab 12,400.0 16,980.0 17,760.0 16,334.4 21,730.0 23,211.0 24,324.4 24,683.4 25,569.3 29,786.9 31,171.8
21. Rajasthan 14,030.0 14,570.0 15,850.0 17,600.0 23,615.6 26,010.0 30,150.0 37,751.1 49,956.7 49,217.8 51,765.0 59,914.4 66,535.9
22. Sikkim 1,110.0 1,190.0 1,506.9   1,680.0 1,758.3 2,267.3 2,528.1 3,075.2 3,187.6 3,735.2
23. Tamil Nadu 19,490.0 23,830.0 26,800.0 27,600.0 31,860.0 37,070.3 37,130.0 40,120.0 44,981.0 52,535.3 57,829.3 57,373.0 62,873.0 71,567.0
24. Telangana 10,801.4 18,350.0 19,470.0 23,813.3 21,301.4 24,308.2 21,702.0 22,801.1 29,682.1
25. Tripura 2,310.0 2,470.0 5,276.6 2,036.5 5,947.3 5,547.5 6,995.1 7,694.6
26. Uttar Pradesh 33,350.0 27,320.0 29,150.0 30,090.0 32,676.4 34,520.0 38,370.0 44,411.0 49,280.4 53,531.8 97,532.8 1,09,801.7 1,42,839.7
27. Uttarakhand 4,880.0 6,080.0 6,710.0 7,270.0 8,216.9 9,690.0 11,787.3 13,325.8 13,054.5 13,893.3 15,207.9 17,550.9
28. West Bengal 21,320.0 24,950.0 26,980.0 28,340.0 29,430.0 30,985.1 37,803.0 41,543.0 56,659.7 59,568.4 60,523.6
29. Jammu and Kashmir 11,469.0 15,120.0 29,691.0 28,140.0 31,179.0 23,853.0 30,155.0 32,495.0
30. NCT Delhi 4,760.0 5,190.0 564.3 6,250.0 9,089.6 10,324.7 11,070.0 11,810.2 13,372.1 14,417.6
31. Puducherry 1,020.0 1,220.0 1,373.6 1,679.2 1,805.5 1,929.9 1,908.0 2,217.5 2,312.8
All States and UTs 2,34,780.0 2,17,280.0 3,23,760.0 3,60,500.0 3,10,050.0 4,35,207.3 3,01,210.0 4,92,290.0 6,27,098.3 6,90,511.0 7,28,372.7 8,54,688.4 9,74,646.6 8,78,122.1
Per cent of GDP 3.7 2.8 3.7 3.6 2.8 3.5 2.2 3.2 3.7 3.7 3.5 4.3 4.1 3.4
BE: Budget Estimates. RE: Revised Estimates. ‘–’: Not available/Not applicable.
Note: Data in respect of Maharashtra and Uttarakhand for 2009-10 are Budget Estimates. For 2020-21 and 2021-22, wherever data are not available, we have replaced with either budget estimates or revised estimates.
Source: Information received from the State governments and UTs.
