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Date : Jan 16, 2023
Statement 16: Loans from the Centre
(₹ Crore)
State/UT 2020-21
(Revised Estimates)
(Budget Estimates)
Variation (Per cent)
Col.4/Col.2 Col.5/Col.3 Col.6/Col.4 Col.7/Col.5
Gross Net* Gross Net* Gross Net* Gross Net Gross Net
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Andhra Pradesh 4,562.7 3,228.5 3,976.0 2,587.3 5,000.0 3,068.6 -12.9 -19.9 25.8 18.6
2. Arunachal Pradesh 233.0 207.2 -25.6 -25.6 -112.4
3. Assam 563.8 414.4 743.5 580.1 838.7 679.1 31.9 40.0 12.8 17.1
4. Bihar 6,502.8 5,559.2 10,547.0 9,065.8 2,910.0 1,167.4 62.2 63.1 -72.4 -87.1
5. Chhattisgarh 3,620.3 3,405.2 5,688.9 5,470.9 4,000.9 3,767.9 57.1 60.7 -29.7 -31.1
6. Goa 110.7 12.3 80.0 -20.6 471.0 370.3 -27.8 -266.7 488.7 ..
7. Gujarat 11,349.0 10,565.8 14,995.2 14,059.5 1,500.0 471.1 32.1 33.1 -90.0 -96.6
8. Haryana 4,476.7 4,146.5 215.0 -138.4 1,315.0 842.4 -95.2 -103.3 511.6 -708.7
9. Himachal Pradesh 2,311.9 2,217.7 670.7 573.2 960.7 860.1 -71.0 -74.2 43.2 50.0
10. Jharkhand 2,588.3 2,390.3 3,000.0 2,835.2 3,000.0 2,783.3 15.9 18.6 -1.8
11. Karnataka 14,114.1 12,708.9 2,231.8 726.9 3,089.4 1,543.4 -84.2 -94.3 38.4 112.3
12. Kerala 7,018.7 6,293.4 11,217.0 10,466.4 2,537.2 1,786.1 59.8 66.3 -77.4 -82.9
13. Madhya Pradesh 10,929.0 9,486.7 15,636.3 14,152.8 11,500.0 10,066.6 43.1 49.2 -26.5 -28.9
14. Maharashtra 14,996.4 14,025.4 16,626.7 15,411.2 5,470.5 4,167.9 10.9 9.9 -67.1 -73.0
15. Manipur 367.4 319.4 -42.3 -41.7 -113.2 -1.4
16. Meghalaya 345.4 323.7 67.5 44.5 67.0 43.0 -80.4 -86.2 -0.8 -3.5
17. Mizoram 247.6 225.3 330.5 305.5 119.3 94.3 33.5 35.6 -63.9 -69.1
18. Nagaland 207.6 186.7 221.4 198.8 34.9 12.3 6.6 6.5 -84.2 -93.8
19. Odisha 5,126.6 4,139.4 7,430.0 6,320.9 5,280.0 4,070.4 44.9 52.7 -28.9 -35.6
20. Punjab 8,791.0 8,329.3 12,950.9 12,362.6 2,446.0 1,765.6 47.3 48.4 -81.1 -85.7
21. Rajasthan 7,136.2 6,229.6 9,541.9 8,452.5 6,987.5 5,660.4 33.7 35.7 -26.8 -33.0
22. Sikkim 202.8 191.9 302.5 290.8 3.5 -8.0 49.1 51.6 -98.8 -102.8
23. Tamil Nadu 10,869.9 9,515.2 13,175.5 11,837.3 15,479.0 13,700.0 21.2 24.4 17.5 15.7
24. Telangana 2,665.3 2,175.6 200.0 -239.0 4,102.0 3,734.1 -92.5 -111.0 .. ..
25. Tripura 528.0 495.1 704.4 671.4 983.0 950.7 33.4 35.6 39.6 41.6
26. Uttar Pradesh 8,181.5 6,578.0 11,723.0 10,125.7 2,500.0 902.8 43.3 53.9 -78.7 -91.1
27. Uttarakhand 3,058.7 3,000.2 3,706.0 3,634.8 165.0 93.8 21.2 21.2 -95.5 -97.4
28. West Bengal 6,430.3 4,986.2 8,951.8 7,429.1 9,324.3 7,452.7 39.2 49.0 4.2 0.3
29. Jammu and Kashmir 2,282.7 2,164.4 5.0 -114.2 5.0 -115.0 -99.8 -105.3 0.7
30. NCT Delhi 15,365.0 12,099.8 11,192.7 6,977.5 10,200.0 5,484.8 -27.2 -42.3 -8.9 -21.4
31. Puducherry -43.7 -77.6 -130.8 77.6 68.4
All States and UTs 1,55,183.5 1,35,578.1 1,66,131.1 1,43,923.1 1,00,289.9 75,217.9 7.1 6.2 -39.6 -47.7
‘–’: Nil/Negligible. ‘..’: Abnormal growth due to low base.
*: Gross loans from centre minus repayment of loans to the centre.
Source: Budget documents of the state governments. Details in methodology
