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Date : Dec 27, 2023
Appendix Table IV.9: Bank Group-wise Lending to the Sensitive Sectors
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Sector Public Sector Banks Private Sector Banks Foreign Banks Small Finance Banks Scheduled Commercial Banks*
2022-23 Percentage Variation 2022-23 Percentage Variation 2022-23 Percentage Variation 2022-23 Percentage Variation 2022-23 Percentage Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Capital Market # 54,107 11.4 1,18,276 22.9 12,520 37.9 441 36.7 1,85,346 20.2
  (0.7)   (2.2)   (2.5)   (0.2)   (1.3)  
2. Real Estate @ 17,44,848 17.2 13,75,673 18.4 1,40,978 -0.8 36,883 49.2 32,98,382 17.1
  (21.1)   (25.6)   (28.7)   (20.7)   (23.0)  
3. Commodities - - - - - - - - - -
Total Advances to Sensitive Sectors 17,98,954 17.0 14,93,949 18.8 1,53,497 1.5 37,325 49.1 34,83,728 17.2
  (21.7)   (27.8)   (31.3)   (21.0)   (24.3)  
Notes: 1. #: Exposure to capital market is inclusive of both investments and advances.
2. @: Exposure to real estate sector is inclusive of both direct and indirect lending.
3. Figures in brackets are percentages to total loans and advances of the concerned bank-group.
4. *: Inclusive of Payments Banks.
5. - : Nil/Negligible.
Source: Annual accounts of respective banks.
