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Date : Dec 27, 2023
Appendix Table VI.8: Financial Performance of Primary Dealers
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Sl. No. Name of the Primary Dealers Year Income
Interest income (including discount income) Trading profit Other income Total income
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 STCI Primary Dealer Ltd. 2021-22 600 27 -48 579
    2022-23 846 -49 2 799
    H1:2023-24 521 54 0 576
2 SBI DFHI Ltd. 2021-22 631 29 16 676
    2022-23 952 -12 6 946
    H1:2023-24 650 7 4 661
3 ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Ltd. 2021-22 846 109 64 1,019
    2022-23 1,249 45 27 1,322
    H1:2023-24 1,046 81 10 1,137
4 PNB Gilts Ltd. 2021-22 971 -137 21 855
    2022-23 1,222 -237 16 1,001
    H1:2023-24 719 -12 4 711
5 Morgan Stanley India Primary Dealer Pvt. Ltd. 2021-22 648 -157 19 511
    2022-23 803 -56 3 750
    H1:2023-24 684 130 1 814
6 Nomura Fixed Income Securities Pvt. Ltd. 2021-22 288 -83 11 216
    2022-23 353 -139 2 216
    H1:2023-24 270 96 1 366
7 Goldman Sachs (India) Capital markets Pvt. Ltd. 2021-22 155 -31 24 147
    2022-23 391 -50 5 346
    H1:2023-24 562 73 1 636
8 Total 2021-22 4,139 -244 107 4,002
    2022-23 5,816 -497 61 5,379
    H1:2023-24 4,451 429 21 4,901
Note: 1. Deutsche securities had surrendered its PD license w.e.f. March 28, 2014.
2. All amounts are rounded off to the nearest crore.
Source: Returns submitted by the Primary Dealers.

Appendix Table VI.8: Financial Performance of Primary Dealers (Concluded)
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Sl. No. Name of the Primary Dealers Year Expenditure Profit before tax Profit after tax Return on networth (per cent)
Interest expenses Other expenses Total expenditure
1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 STCI Primary Dealer Ltd. 2021-22 415 27 442 137 100 13.3
    2022-23 712 30 741 47 34 4.4
    H1:2023-24 469 18 487 151 112 13.3
2 SBI DFHI Ltd. 2021-22 336 43 378 191 142 11.5
    2022-23 786 42 828 29 20 1.7
    H1:2023-24 570 22 592 107 79 6.0
3 ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Ltd. 2021-22 472 132 603 444 330 21.4
    2022-23 1,063 136 1,199 175 128 8.3
    H1:2023-24 918 79 997 269 201 11.8
4 PNB Gilts Ltd. 2021-22 510 37 547 210 166 11.9
    2022-23 973 47 1,020 -85 -77 -6.3
    H1:2023-24 679 35 714 23 19 1.5
5 Morgan Stanley India Primary Dealer Pvt. Ltd. 2021-22 306 55 361 237 178 8.1
    2022-23 570 55 626 187 136 5.4
    H1:2023-24 520 29 548 379 283 7.8
6 Nomura Fixed Income Securities Pvt. Ltd. 2021-22 133 52 184 -4 -4 -0.3
    2022-23 260 47 308 94 70 6.2
    H1:2023-24 223 33 257 -35 -35 -3.0
7 Goldman Sachs (India) Capital markets Pvt. Ltd. 2021-22 67 39 105 37 25 3.8
    2022-23 299 50 349 30 22 1.7
    H1:2023-24 443 29 472 189 141 5.5
8 Total 2021-22 2,238 384 2,622 1,253 937 10.5
    2022-23 4,664 407 5,070 476 333 3.5
    H1:2023-24 3,822 245 4,067 1,082 800 42.9
Note: 1. Deutsche securities had surrendered its PD license w.e.f. March 28, 2014.
2. All amounts are rounded off to the nearest crore.
Source: Returns submitted by the Primary Dealers.
